it washes my back

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the tears wash my neck and back
like you used to wash me.
i remember when i was young,
and i was afraid to sleep alone.
i wanted to stay with you always.
a mothers touch,
a loving mothers touch.
you gave me that.
but i cant remember it now.
and i try to drown it out but i know,
i cant remember.
im losing memory of things.
and i dont want to forget you.
i dont want to not remember.
if my memory was photographic but selective,
id take every memory we had.
and only those.
so i could dream of your loving touch,
of a mothers comfort,
of a mothers hug.
sometimes i feel it.
its faint, but its there.
the hot tears sting my face,
but they cool and cleanse my back.
just like you used to.
and now only remnants of you are left.

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