At Ease + You and i (2 in 1)

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Writers Note: Both of these are somewhat old; At Ease was for a school assignment so its more tame in nature

"At Ease"

her blonde long hair fell perfectly on her small shoulders
with such a petite figure you'd think she was but a child
her blue eyes shine like sapphires
her fair skin freckled under the warm sunset
she has her flaws of course
her teeth aren't quite straight
braces bind them together
but she's happy
with the love of her life in vegas
under the warm sunset
she has her personality as well yes
but thats not interesting
shes quiet
very reserved
boring if anything
but she's conventionally attractive
thats all that matter
she's at ease always
not a care in the world
thats all that matters
isn't that me?

"You and i"

i don't know what it is i did wrong
i thought You loved me
but that wasn't true
i just hoped it was
that You would love me
and want to be with me
but that didn't happen
i wrote off anything unusual to awkwardness
but looking back
it was likely discomfort
i've likely already been blocked off
how im to manage to live with this
i don't know
i don't blame You
i still like You
but You don't like me
and that is ok
and yet, it isnt
i thought i was so close
to happiness
to finally being accepted
yet just like that
it ended
and im still here
i don't know what it is i did wrong.

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