A Long Poem About Being Afraid to Say I Love You 2

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This still isn’t going to make sense. I'm so afraid. What if i fall too hard. I shouldn't even be thinking like this, shouldn't be so quick. That's why I'm scared. But I'm even more scared of what you'll say. I don't care if I am rejected. I'm scared of you saying you luvme 2. I still can't even spell it. I'm so afraid if it's printed in words it'll become true. I simply can't deal with that. If I do then what'll happen when you leave? You leave and then I'm alone. I'd so much rather you not want me then you want me. I don't know what I would do if you did. Knowing me I'll probably wake up but that's about it. I'm just so scared that a dream will become reality. I don't know what I'll do if that's the case. A dream can't become reality. I'm simply not ready for it. I'm sorry but your ocean eyes have to wait. Maybe forever. Maybe not at all. I wish my feelings made sense, but they don't. And I wish I could say Ilveyou. But I won't. I'm so so scared, you're making me worry I'll depend on you. What if I do. What will I do? I don't want to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for you. I don't know how else I can say it. If I simplify it too much it'll just come back to what it is. I don't want that. You need to say you hate me. Say you hate me. But I don't want you to. I want you to lve me. But I don't know if you will. What if you do? What will I do if you really do lv me. I don't know. I'm so afraid. I wish you could comfort me. Make me less afraid. Make me less afraid to love you.

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