Inspired By Catholicism

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They say to love yourself
that you are not a mistake
they say you cannot love another until you love yourself
what am i supposed to do if i dont love myself?
how can i love and accept myself?
until i am loved and accepted by another,
i cannot love and accept myself.
even if human love is fragile, like human acceptance,
its better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all.
but ive never loved at all so what am i to do?
this is not a promise but simply a proposition;
i don't believe i will be able to love and accept myself until i am accepted by someone else, unconditionally.
but now here's where the problem arises!
that simply won't happen.
because again, human love and acceptance is fragile.
so how am i to love myself unconditionally,
when no one else will.

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