Chapter Six

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A/N: The picture is George's design, I'll have Dream's by the next chapter ^^

Dream skidded around the room, picking up a couple of scattered shorts and dumping them in his nearly overflowing basket. He glanced around, trying to see what else he could tidy up.

He and George had made plans for a sleepover, so he was scrambling to make his room look presentable. His grandmother poked her head into the room, trying to see why her grandson was running around and straightening things.

"What's the occasion dear?" She asked.

Dream glanced up, nearly dropping some cans, "George is staying over tonight."

She tilted her head, "Don't you two have school tomorrow?"

He nodded, balancing an armful of cans to take into the kitchen. "We figured we could walk together in the morning."

She beamed, following him down the hall. "I'm glad you've finally found someone."

Dream blushed furiously, fumbling around with the trash bag, "It sounds weird when you say it like that!"

His grandmother laughed, "You know I didn't mean it like that Clay. Also, I have to pick up your grandfather from Miami and won't be back until late. You boys have fun!"

She pulled him in for a hug, "If anything happens, tell me alright?"

He nodded, and she kissed his forehead before walking out the front door. A few moments later, soft knocking echoed throughout the house. Dream sprung up, racing to the door.

He stepped aside, letting George in as a cool breeze swept through the room.

"Took you long enough," Dream teased.

"I didn't know what to bring!" George muttered, lightly punching Dream's arm.

Dream smirked, noticing George still had the hoodie on. He decided to keep the teasing to a minimum for now and instead motioned for George to follow him.

George bounded up the stairs after Dream, who had kicked the door open.

"Maybe we can do a little bit of the project tonight to make it easier on us this week,"  Dream said, falling into one of his chairs.

George nodded, setting his bag down by the shelves.

The clay was still scattered on the desk, so George took the other seat and the two got to work. Dream began molding the clay to fit onto the wire structure, while George started making the smaller objects like his goggles and Dream's mask.

"I'm assuming you like the hoodie?" Dream asked.

George giggled, trying to force down the heat rising in his cheeks. "It's soft on the inside."

His breath hitched as Dream leaned over. Before he could speak, Dream shoved his hand into the pocket of the hoodie.

George tried to move away, but Dream's arm held him in place.

"It is soft! I might be stealing this later, " Dream joked.

"I'd let you," George thought. He removed Dream's arm and scooted away. "No way, it's mine!"

Dream scoffed but went back to shaping the clay. George tried to as well, but couldn't stay focused. He tried to ignore the tingling sensation where Dream's arm had been.

He glanced at Dream, who was focused on sticking the clay on the wires. He tried to picture what Dream looked like, but couldn't come up with anything other than his green eyes and freckles.

Two Halves (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now