"I also recall we made a promise that wouldn't do anything reckless if the three didn't agree with it and still you two did, and look where we are because of it! I have all the right to be mad at you!" She yanked her arm back even if he wasn't even holding it tight, "I was EXPELLED. I am being charged by a CRIME. You guys know they were just waiting for something like this to show that women having an education isn't a good deal and take the project down. You know they would take easy on you, but still let it happen! You are both fucking cowards." She spat and marched down towards the staircase and quickly disappeared from the boys' view.

"That was somewhat new," Philip commented and then cocked an eyebrow at his taller friend. "You really think she didn't return home last night? Perhaps she arrived before we did and was just ignoring us."

"It was just a wild guess but we waited for a long time last night..." Georges then shook his head, "I honestly don't know anymore. Where else could she had been?" He asked confused, apprehension growing on his chest.

"No clue but, what I do know at the moment is that we gotta fix this mess. She kind of had a point, we broke that promise and it all went to hell. Remember me to never again do something if us three don't agree."

"Deal." Georges agrees and shrugs as they walk back the way they came before.


"Did you find her yet?" Philip asked.

"Not even a sign." Georges replied. They had just exited a rather long and exhausting discussion, more like an argument in fact, with Mr. West and the detective who was still in his office. Both boys stated their version of the story, one where Frances was never seen in the scene of the crime, and they blamed themselves by seeking revenge and telling the whole story that leads to that. The detective didn't buy the story at first but soon realized with whose child he was debating with due the strong and defiant statements, seeing a clear similarity once he already had been present during some cases Alexander Hamilton defended his clients in court.

"Come on, we didn't take that long! Could she be home already?" Philip huffs irritatedly.

"I doubt she would be home. Her parents would freak."

"Right." Philip nodded. "Then you go that way, I'll go this. Just one last check." He walked down the way that he just pointed and grumbled, "When we most need to find her she's anywhere. Just hope she doesn't do anything stupid."

Georges followed the opposite way, quickly being called by a soft voice, "Hey! Georges! Wait up!"

He turned around and found Violetta reaching him, "Oh, hey Vi. By any chance, have you seen Frances?"

"Uhm... Yeah, just now she passed by me towards the park but, I wanna know what went up with... This whole situation," She nervously smiles, visibly worried, "She didn't say anything when I asked."

"Nothing you need to worry about, we kind of might have solved it for now-"

"Kind of might have solved?" She repeated, her worries not going away, if anything she was even more anxious now.

"What matters is that Fran is off the hook now. I want to find her and tell that so her wrath over us can end," He chuckled briefly and Violetta sighs in relief, placing a hand over her heart.

"Oh, thank God," She chuckled as well, "I was really worried, Alfred just couldn't stop talking about how he-"

"Is that jerk gonna do anything to her?" Georges quickly asked, his protective senses telling him to find his friend faster.

"NO, of course not! He was just worried!" She spoke fastly, taken back by his statement, sounding absurd to her ears to imagine his love-struck friend doing anything against Frances.

Carrying the Legacy: The Revolution ContinuesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin