"I know."

"I came back the day she had you. This was after i had taken the cure to vamparism. I came back a vampire. The Mikaelson's were back in town i was angry. That he'd do that probably because i did it first. I threatened her really didn't mean it. The part i was trying to do was hide from my past i was scared i didn't want her to know her family i'm happy that i had changed my mind. Things went down i left town with Rachel i couldn't handle it. Bonnie and Damon sent Esther and Mikael to kill me and Rachel knowing they were on there way I had called my sister putting it on speaker under the couch so they could hear."

She continued to fill him in on things that had happened. There past when they kidnapped him and more. "I was alone through my pregnancy. Everyone says that i wasn't but i was."

"I don't care your still my mom this is still my family."

"Your choosing the women that kidnapped you over your mother." Elena and Jacob turned and seen Bonnie and Damon,

They both stood up. Elena stood in front of him."How did you find us."

"I found a witch strong enough to cast a locating spell. It led us here." Damon said.

"Leave or i'll hurt you." Elena siad.

"Not without my son you took him from me cause you messed up and had a baby with the devil." Bonniei said

Jacob stepped from behind Elena."Leave."

"Your choosing her." Bonnie sounded so hurt.

"Did you or did you not. Go after a two year old baby and tried to kill her. Because she threatened you."

"We did."

"Your not my parents. I'm a Mikaelson. She told me everything even what she didn't want me to know." Jacob said. Elena smiled she was happy that he still wanted to be apart of the family.

"She kidnapped you because she got upset." Bonnie said.

"But she's also been there for me through everything. She raised me as her own. They taught me my magic. She was there for me through everything. When i found out she told me the truth what she knew i could handle and today she told me everything else." Jacob wasn't going with them he was a Mikaelson and that was final.

"Seriously there cold- hearted killers." Damon said.

Elena stepped fowards."Me you killed my brother cause i didn't like you. You killed Alaric over and over again cause you knew he would come back and eventually he went insane. You killed people just cause you could with your hummanity on. You went after my daughter cause of a threat or were you cause she wasn't yours. Don't act inoccent Damon cause your not. Neither are you. You almost killed awhole vampire line several times. You have helped raise a physcoptath." 

"You married one. And joined the Mikaelson family pathetic." Bonnie said.

"I'm Pathetic. I married the love of my life someone that will always be there for me. I have a family and i'll be damned if i let you mess that up."

Bonnie and Damon were thrown against the wall."I think they said leave,"  Elena smirked when she heard her daughter and nieces voice. She turned to look at them and smiled.

Bonnie and Damon stood."Rachel and Hope Mikaelson i presume."

"The two idiots trying to go against my family you won't leave alive." Rachel gave her fathers famous smirk,

"You kill us you stage a war." Damon said.

"A war that were ready for." Elena was ready to end them once in for all. Only reason she was halting was because the kids were there.

Bonnie rolled her eyes."I hate the person you've become what happened to that carefree girl."

"That girl was put in a sleeping curse because of you two after losing her brother her parents. Missing time with her daughter because of you. Don't play the victum leave or i promise i'll kill you." Elena said.

"You think we came to find you unprepared." Bonnie chuckled."I already have my leverage and if your not smart they'll die in the next 24 hours. Can't kill me cause i'm the only one that knows the location."

Rachel twisted her hand Damon started to scream. Bonnie tried to flash to her but Hope blocked her path."Who did you take."

Bonnie smirked."Davina Claire with enough Hazel she can't even attempt Magic. Caroline Forbes the blond bitch that betrayed me. My brother in law Stefan Salvatore he gave up on his own family. Alaric Saltzman poor Josie and Lizzie about to lose there parents who betrayed there friends. Freya Mikaelson also witch drugged. Hayley Marshall not hard to get a hybrid just a little wolfsbane and vervain. And finally Jermey Gilbert poor hunter he didn't smell us coming."

Hope flashed Bonnie against a near by wall."Where are they"

"Littlest wolf miss her mommy." Bonnie teased. Hope was getting more angrier by the second.

Klaus Kol Rebekah Elijah flashed in."Where the hell is Hayley and Caroline."

"Or Davina i was meeting with her and Freya." Rebekah noticed Damon and Bonnie."Only reason you wouldn't be dead i know Elena is the nicest of us all is if you two did something."

"I have Davina I have Caroline, Stefan, Alaric, Freya, Hayley and Jeremy. See how you like that you little bitch."

"Hope move." Elena ordered. Hope went and stood by Rachel. Elena flashed to Bonnie and pinned her to the wall."Where is she."

"Sad you care about Hayley more than any of them. But of course she told her best friend she was pregnant didn't she. But again so are you. She only has was about 2 hours. Freya's spell only slowed the Wolfsbane. Tough business."

"PREGNANT." Hope and Rachel shouted. Elena was ready to kill Bonnie. Hayley was looking forward to having another kid and now they might both die.


Who should the father be i have no clue at all. Hope y'all liked the chapter.

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