Chapter 32

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The villains aren't that bad.

Sure, yeah, they're villains and do illegal stuff and we obviously can't be friends and solve all our issues, but they aren't as pure evil as I thought.

Toga is really sweet! Yeah she has abandonment issues and has an unhealthy lust for blood, but that's what you get when your ostracized by your peers your whole life and told to just ignore a quirk that gives you what you can consider a medical problem.

We talked, I thought, and I think that the heros and doctors around her did a shit job and coulda just solved everyone's problems by giving her blood packs from the hospital every couple of months.

Toga has mental health problems and has idolized a serial killer.

There's also Mustard, poor kid was abused by his parents, and when his parents got arrested, instead of getting help he was stuck in the poorest orphanage this side the block and got bullied by every kid there.

The teachers shoulda noticed something, the police shoulda noticed something, hero's shoulda noticed something.

No one saved Mustard, he doesn't want hero's going around giving people false hope.

They have their reasons.

I don't agree but the damage is done.

I still need to get out.


Toga runs over to me, hands wrapping around my waist.

"H-hey toga!" I smile tiredly, it's hard sleeping without my heater.

She turns me around on the spiny bar chair and shoves her face into my neck floof.

I realized if I could bring out my weird knife arms I could bring out other features, like my neck fluff! It's useful because it's so cold all the time in the abandoned bar.

I laugh lightly, toga is a very touchy person, which is understandable because she was mostly isolated by everyone around her, so I let her hug me, and play with my hair, and shove her face into my neck floof!

Mustard is more hands off, he needs more phycological aid. He needs more confidence so I usually try and complement him at every turn. Which is easy because he has such an amazing quirk and is an incredibly smart kid!!!

I tap togas neck and she lifts her head with a raised eyebrow. Confusion evident on her face.

"What is it?" She asks confused

"I kinda want to eat my oatmeal toga, hehe" I giggle

"OH! Yeah! Do that!" She flings herself off of me and turns me around in the chair.

I start taking slow bites as I continue to read the book I had snatched from the "livingrooms"(?) bookcase, it was called dear Evan handson and toga and I watched the musical yesterday night.

You might be thinking, Izuku, why aren't you escaping!

Well my answer is, why?

If the hero's find me I'll go back yeah, but I haven't started missing Kachan yet, and I'm enjoying my time with Toga and Mustard!

Plus, the hero's will find me eventually...


-time skip -

It's been two days, I'm still having fun but I'm missing my old life.

I miss my room.

I miss school.

I miss my mom.

I miss Kachan.

I've tried getting out, the first couple times I tried to leave casually, just tried walking out the door, telling toga I was going out to get something to drink or snacks.

Obviously didn't work.

Kuroguiri has been the only one actually keeping an eye on me, and since he's constantly at the only entrance/exit of this whole place leaving without help has become impossible.

I mean sure, I could Mothra and stuff, but that would bring down the building, possibly killing mustard and toga, and the others.

I'm going to be a hero, not a murderer.

I get that some hero's (like Endevor) are known for killing villains and bringing so called "justice" upon them on the spot.

we gotta remember villains are still human, living breathing people with families or others that care about them.

I could Mothra out, kill the villains and get out, but do I wanna kill two children just because I miss my room heater? No.

So I sit in front of the tv, drinking hot chocolate with Toga in a cold room, no blanket insight.

"You good zuki zuk?" Asks toga in her teasing tone.

"Yeah yeah, just thinking bout stuff, miss my room heater if I'm being honest." I confess

"Ah, the luxury of not being a criminal running from the law, woe is me and my incapability to get nice things, thy self is the one who will never have her own room heater, your privilege looks down on me from it's heated perch!" Toga exclaims rather dramatically.

"Woe is you, you poor poor soul, I hope the heat of me can be enough to warm your lonesome self." I retort with a giggle.

Toga looks at me with that shine in her eyes, the one where her personality is accepted and encouraged rather than shut down immediately.

"You're more than enough Izuku." She says, oddly sincerely.

"You too..?" I say, I don't do well with emotions.

We descend into a fit of giggles after my awkward response.

The dark rooms of the villains base always seem brighter when Toga is in good mood.

" Do you often think about your life outside of here?" She asks

"Well yeah, it's what my entire life was till, what, two? Three days ago?" I say

"I mean, I guessss, but you can start a new life here! With me! And Mustard! And everyone else!!!" She exclaims

As she says this the calmness of the building is disrupted, there's a loud crash by the front door, and a loud exclamation of,

"Do not fear, FOR I AM HERE!!!"




All might?

(966 words)
Yo dudes, so sorry I haven't been updating much, my school is in a weird place with COVID and it's been hard getting free time. I'll try my best to update more often.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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Mothra Izuku! - Bakudekuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें