Day Four (Day Time): Drawing the heroes out and brutal killing.

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Teacher Pov:

"It's day four. Spite said he would start killing most of them that remain off today and leave only a few left for the last day. Any idea for what he will do for the last day?" Vlad King asked. No one had any guess except Nezu. "I think he will burn the hero agency building down once he gets the remaining heroes out of it on the last day and then force them to watch it burn. He then will likely set bombs off across the entire city burning it to the ground and force the remaining heroes to watch as a statement to their failure." Nezu said.  The staff was stunned silent because that would be really brutal for the last day heroes to watch their agency and the entire city to burn before being killed off. However, it would send the message of knowing when to give up and fall back for more support. Ideally, once they had lost so many heroes in the real world they would have requested for a large number of heroes to back them up and get top 10 heroes to help put the villain down. Otherwise, they would just be feeding the fame of the villain and only make his grasp on the underworld stronger. The teachers knew that they would need to talk to the students through this event and make sure they learned the lesson. They also needed to see how bad Izuku would be outcasted by the students. 

Hero team Pov:

It was now the next day for the hero team. Day four and they were now starting to run out of food. They could get water from other businesses by refilling their containers for drinking and cooking water but none of them have had showers. The hero team has stayed in their groups of 5's and not really split up. However, soon they were forced to get moving as large explosions rocked the city. The alarms said two buildings blew up next to each other about 2 blocks away from their building. "It's going to be a trap. But we have no choice to go and help save people!" Kendo said. Everyone agreed. It has always been a trap when they left the base to respond to these. 

About 30 minutes later the entire hero team was at the burning buildings and trying to put them out

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About 30 minutes later the entire hero team was at the burning buildings and trying to put them out. The fire had spread to other buildings and now 5 buildings were on fire. The entire city fire robots were at the site working on the fire. The heroes were stressed since Spite hasn't attacked yet which was unnormal. 

About 3 hours after they arrived the fires were controlled and being put out. The fire robots allowed the hero team to leave. "Was it just a diversion to something else?" asked Sero. Soon they all heard a *bang* as Sero fell down to the ground. "SNIPER!" yelled Todoroki. He had everyone get behind cover but they didn't hear any more gunshots. They were wondering if Spite was waiting for them to peek but Dark Shadow peeked his head out since he couldn't be considered 'dead' unless his Tokoyami was 'killed'. Dark Shadow said he couldn't see anyone. Then a sliding noise was heard as they all turned and saw two grenades slide to them. "Grenades" yelled Dark shadow as he tried to cover the closest one but it had already gone off. It had painted Tokoyami and the other grenade had painted Yanagi.

"I think he was waiting for us to be over-stressed and tired from putting the fire out!" Yelled Lida. "Correct assumption hero!" stated Spite as the hero team saw him attacking Todoroki and kicking him across the street with a 35% OFA kick. Everyone tried to attack Spite but he was moving so fast. Soon Spite started to fall back into an alley which Rin and Bondo attempted to follow him into. "WAIT IT MIGHT BE A TRAP!" Kendo yelled out. However, it was too late. They had run across a tripwire that set off two paint explosives that painted them completely. The hero team was in shock as they just saw two of their teammates get painted. If that had been real then there wouldn't be anything left of them is what everyone thought. "Oh so foolish heroes! Always falling for simple traps!" Spite laughed out. "This isn't funny! You are murdering people for no reason!" Uraraka yelled out with tears in her eyes. "No reasons? Hm. I think I have enough reason to slaughter you dam heroes and the system you all keep up! This world refuses to change through peaceful methods! As such, violence is the only answer that has been left to me! I will force the world to look at the issues that created me and force the world to change! No one helped me when I cried for help! So why should I stop when you all cry for help! NO ONE EVER HELPED ME! NO ONE! I WAS LEFT ALONE WITH NO ONE TO HELP ME! EVEN WHEN I WISHED FOR PEOPLE TO STAND BY MY SIDE AS I GREW UP THEY SITLL TURNED THEIR BACKS ON ME!  NO ONE STOPPED MY BULLIES EVEN WHEN I GREW OLDER. AS SUCH, I WILL DESTROY THE CURRENT SOCIETY AND CREATE ONE WHERE EVERYONE IS ACCEPTED REGARDLESS OF THEIR DIFFERENCES!" Spite cried out. The hero team was stunned in silence. 'Was this how Izuku really felt. That no one was there for him!? That he was alone even in UA? They then realized that if the video was true then Bakugo had more or less been bullying Izuku right in front of them and they did nothing!' the hero team thought.  

Izuku Pov:

It seems my mind is starting to break a bit. I truly hope All Might will still stand by me or I might truly fall into the darkness after this. Though I need to put those thoughts away for now. I need to speed up the mission a bit. Too many heroes are left. "Time to remove more of you heroes," I said and they all paled. I powered up and kicked the ground resulting in it breaking. Then I punched it sending rubble at everyone. During this time I moved up to Shiozaki and slid my knife across her throat. I heard snipe call her out but I grabbed her arm and used her body and threw her at Kendo. While Kendo was blocked, I pulled my gun and shot Honenuki several times. Once in the chest, once on the head. This resulted in him being called out. This left four class 1-a students and three 1-b students left for a total of 7 hero team members left. I decided to wipe out two more from 1-b and leave Kendo alive. 

As everyone was attacking me as I dodged their attacks or broke them like Todoroki's ice wall. I grabbed Tsubuaraba through his solid air wall which shocked him. "Not strong enough to block my hits hero!" I said as I grabbed him and slammed him into the ground. I pulled a grenade with some sticky substance on it and placed it on his arm. I then threw Tsuburaba at Awase who didn't notice the grenade. Awase caught Tsuburaba and noticed the grenade when he did however it went off right at that moment 'killing' them both as sniped called them out. "look like there are only 6 of you heroes left. I will leave you all for the last day. I suggest getting some sleep because I will come knocking on your door for a full out brawl where I will kill you heroes!" i said as I turned around and powered OFA up to 40% and bounced away.

Teacher POV:

The teachers were all silent. They had just witnessed Spites... no Izuku's breakdown in that fight. "I'm taking that is his real feeling on how he feels here at UA isn't it. That he's alone. Combine it with the truth from the video it would be accurate wouldn't it? We've left his main bully sit right next to him and be aggressive with him which just contained the feeling of being unsafe and the teachers not caring." Hound Dog said. The teachers were saddened at this. "That feeling only got made a bit worst when every single classmate joined the hero team and none of Izuku's friends joined his team to support him. He felt betrayed and outcasted like he was in his old schools. That's why he reacted the way he did in the assembly hall. He was pissed that people who he help saved through dangerous situations would so easily turn their back on him. They might not realize it but they broke his trust that he had grown with them. He felt like he could rely on them in the future but they broke that trust when they all left him alone on the villain team." All Might said. Everyone could see how Izuku felt since they now know about his past from the video. "We are lucky that you found him the second time All Might or a lot of events at UA wouldn't have turned in our favor like the USJ with Asui and Mineta. Lida with the hero killer, Bakugo being saved even though it was reckless. There are so many points that Izuku steps forward and takes charge of his class and leads them to some form of victory before help can arrive to save the day." Nezu said. It just dawned on the teachers how important Izuku has been to the events at UA. Now they just had to wait for the last day to happen for this event and they will be able to start helping their students heal from this.

Hero Team POV:

"Guys. We really screwed up didn't we when none of us that are friends with Izuku joined him. If that video holds any truth then what we did was a betrayal to him." Uraraka said. Everyone left alive could agree with that and they felt the ones watching from the 'dead' room could likely agree as well. "Indeed. Izuku has done so much for a lot of us and we just left him alone. I'm really wishing that video doesn't hold any truth but the more I think about it the more it would explain how Izuku reacted at the start of the year. We sat around and watch Bakugo bully Izuku right in front of us and we did nothing. What friends we are..." Lida stated. None of Izuku's friends were happy. Soon though Izuku or Spite would be returning for the last day to end everything and they expected it to be a large show. 

Dead team room:

Everyone has been watching as they were 'killed' off. A lot of people were scared of Spite but as time went along near the end they could understand where Spite... no Izuku was coming from. He was teaching them all lessons. Though he was doing it in a brutal manner, he was doing it for them all to learn. They also needed to apologize and help Izuku at the end of this most everyone thought because they saw the bullying that Bakugo was doing and didn't step in to stop it. Bakugo was far too aggressive to be left around Izuku and nearly every single person in the 'dead' room agreed to keep Bakugo the hell away from Izuku moving forward. 

One person was still pissed that he had lost. It was Bakugo of course. 'How dare he hide this power! He's been looking down on me in all of the training.' thought Bakugo. Everyone in the room could see that Bakugo was pissed and they were all planning to get in his way when the time came. They were all not going to sit around and watch him bully Izuku anymore!

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