Enter Beelzebub

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The next day at school.

In the school's hall , everyone  is gather . MC , Carrie , Solomon, Simeon occupied the front seats. On stage 6 people  sits on chair  and Daivolo stand in front of the microphone  with Babotos by his side .

" Good morning everyone! This day will be a day to get to know eachother.  Tomorrow school starts in earnest.  I hope you all get along . During your stay if you  need any  help or have any questions  please contact me. It is my duty as the RAD president to make you all feel welcomed and safe. Is there any questions you like to ask now before we begin any more introductions. "

Carrie raise her hand . All the six in chairs  gazes towards her before avoiding her . Daivolo lips twitch up. Lucifer's eyes caught the movement and narrows his eyes . 

" Yes Miss Jackson ?"

" How do humans taste like ?"

Lucifer freezes. Mammon chokes on air. Satan tilts his head to the side .  Asmodus stops putting chapstick on. Beelzebub stops chewing.Belphie open his eyes briefly .  Solomon shakes his head . MC  face plam.   Simeon and Babotos keeps smiling .

" Good question, Miss Jackson.  Human's flesh taste like pork not like chicken. Their skin tatse almost  exactly like bacon.If you any more questions, Miss Jackson feel free to ask them after the introductions "

Carrie qazes down shyly. MC squeezes her hand. Carrie brightens up.

" Now to let the seven , brothers introduce themselve . We start off with my best friend and trusted right handman ."  Daivolo states while moving away form the microphone.

He is so gay for who ever this guy he is talking about .

Thinks Carrie , while a black haired  man steps forward to the microphone.

" I am Lucifer the sin of pride . I apologize that Leviathan the sin of  envy  and the third oldest  , could not make a appearance today he had certain  'duties' to attend .I am the oldest of the brothers and I will be in charge of the punishments  of any  disobedience . " he states before heading back to his seat. The next  brother , a white haired and tan  steps forward to the microphone. 

They don't look related. Carrie thinks.

" I am the Great Mammon , the sin  of greed.  I am the second oldest of the  bros  any questions I have to answer you have to pay me some grimm . "

Grimm like what  my pain ? Sadist ! Carrie thinks . Her lips turning up then down .How am I suppose to give my pain away ? She questions in her thoughts.  Her eyes flickering back and fourth trying to puzzel out the  meaning, giving and what grimm is .

" Money ." , Solomon whispers in her ear . She nods in thanks a grin spliting her face.

Blond haired man with cyan eyes steps forward to the microphone. 

" I am Satan , the sin of wrath . I am fourth oldest. " he states formally. 

Satan takes his  seat.  A man with champagne colour hair steps forward. 

" I am Asmodus , the sin of lust  I am the fifth oldest brother . " Asomdus states then blows a kiss. Many beings in the crowds swoons . MC faintly blushes. Carrie raises a eyebrow in question at the swoons . He steps away and takes his seat . A man taller then the other  before with orange hair  steps to the microphone. 

Before he utters a word , Carrie's heart  squeezes . A immense weight crushes her  soul.

" I am Beelzebub,  " he takes a bite  of chicken leg , chew then shallows," the sin of gluttony.  I am the sixth oldest. "

Carrie's breaths come out quick almost hyperventilating.  Solomon, Mc  and Simeon stares at her with a concern. Carrie smiles in reassures. MC  takes Carrie's hand and sqeezes it.

Beelzebub takes his seat. A man with navy blue , white tipped  hair steps to the microphone. 

Carrie feels her stomach burn .  She grips MC's hand tighter.

" I am Belphegor , the sin of sloth. I am the seventh oldest . " he states drowsy .

He hastily takes his seat .  Diavolo steps to the microphone .

" Are there any questions for the brothers  ?" 

A lot hand raises  including MC , Solomon and  Simeon except Carrie's. While questions were  ask  for and answer by the respective brothers Carrie tries to breath. She closes her eyes. She blocks the noise , the smell , the sights and focus on her breathing.  Slowly the tsunami of emotions   verberates. She open her eyes. Daivolo, MC  and Simeon eyes qazes at her . She raises her quavering hand . Their  eyes narrow .  

" Yes Miss Jackson?" Daivolo points at Carrie indicate she may speak .

" Can I hug Beelzebub?"


A few seconds pass before most of the  hall erupts in laughter.

Diavolo blinks . He qazes at Beel for permission. Beel looks at his twin. Belphegor glares at Carrie . He appraises her . She stare back.  Soft eyes fill with curiosity bores in Belphegor 's eyes . He nods towards Beel , giving the okey. Beel smiles and then nods at Carrie's direction.  Carrie smiles.  She makes a move to stand up  but then  freezes uncertainty fills her . Daivolo smiles in reassures  and motion with his hand to come up .

MC let goes of Carrie's hand as she heads up the stairs. The laughter increases. Beel stands up.  He open his arms .

The laughter downs in volume .

Carrie hesitantly wraps  her arms  around his middle . He gently warp his arms around her. They hug.

The whole hall falls to a deafen silence.

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