I Will Always Protect You...

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"Got it, Deku!"

Uravity, otherwise known as Ochaco Uraraka, activated her quirk, Zero Gravity, dropping the rubble around the group of villains. Deku, also known as Izuku Midoriya, used One For All to wrap the security tape around them, ceasing any further movements or plans of escape from the goons.

"Nice one, Uravity, we stopped them, with no casualties whatsoever!"

Uraraka smiled at Deku, her best friend and crush, watching him mutter to himself about the battle, taking mental notes of the results and how to improve himself.

She felt her heart ache just a bit, thinking of how much deeper her feelings have gotten. From the moment she saved him from falling flat on his face at the entrance exams, to the moment he saved her from the 0point robot, they worked harder each day to strive even closer to being pro heroes. From teamwork activities, to the UA Festival, to rescuing Eri from Overhaul, it seemed like they was meant to be in each other's lives.

"Uravity?", a voice said, snapping her out of her inner monologue. She looked up to see Deku's green eyes staring worriedly at her. "You seemed a bit distracted. Kiri- Red Riot called Eraserhead, so the police and pros are on their way to pick these guys up."

Today was meant to be a relaxation day. The class decided to go to the mall, having plans to take a chill day. Granted, the last time they came, Midoriya had an encounter with the villainous Shigaraki, but this time, they was able to work together and act fast, since they had their provisional licenses. Carrying their costumes on sight made things easier for quick transformations.

The rest of the class focused on crowd control and backup, while Bakugo and Todoroki stood off to side. Well, Bakugo had to be restrained, because they didn't have their licenses completely yet.

'I already made a commitment to myself, I will put these feelings away, for him. It's for the best.' Uraraka looked at the villain group, about 4 or 5 of them, planned to rob the place, but immediately failed. Now they complained and made empty threats, though one of them was chuckling to himself despite being captured.

"Well, this took an unfortunate turn, but this won't end so easily." Uraraka caught sight of a villain activating his quirk, looking like the leader of the group. His body emitted a pink mist or cloud, which then formed into 3 spears. The spears started flying towards them, narrowly dodging the first two. But the third...

"Deku!" Uraraka yelled towards him, but she knew he wouldn't be able to dodge this one...

Deku put his guard up, trying to use Full Cowling to destroy it, but the spear dispersed and continued towards his heart. He braced for impact, until he felt...nothing. He looked forward to see...

Uraraka's body was in front of him, the spear piercing through her heart. She collapsed on the floor, the mist disappearing.

"Uraraka!" Izuku called her by her real name, but at this moment, he didn't care.

"Deku...", she smiled, looking up towards him. "Sorry, I guess my body just...moved on its own." Her eyes glimmered a pink aura, shimmering in her pupils, then she passed out.

"There are stories about every hero. Their bodies moved before they had the chance to react, almost on their own."

"HAHA, that's one down, now this shall be an interesting experiment. Let's see if I can get one mor-"

Bandages wrapped around the villian's mouth, and with a solid kick towards the back of the head, he fell unconscious. The rest of the group never said a word, seeing the sight of the Pro Hero EraserHead struck fear into them.

"Deku, what happened?!"

Police and a few other pros came to assess the scene, but everything feel onto deaf ears for Izuku. He checked her pulse, she was still breathing okay, and he couldn't see any physical damage. In fact, she seemed to be alright for the most part, not a single scratch on her from the quirk.

But that pink glimmer in her eyes...

Deku felt a hand on his shoulders, looking up towards his teacher and mentor.

"Everything will be fine, got it problem child?" Aizawa stated. Despite his cold personality, Izuku has learned how much he really did care for them, going out of his way to protect them at all costs. "I need you to get up and tell me what happened, okay?"

"Y-yes sir..."

"Is she hurt at all?"

"Well that's the thing,..."

Izuku then went on to explain to his teacher what happened, while paramedics rush to take Uraraka away while the police handled the robbers.

"Alright, I think I got the gist of it, go on towards the hospital with Uraraka, she'll want someone by her side."

"Yes sir, thank you."

Izuku ran off towards the ambulance so join the ride before they pulled off. Aizawa watched from afar, thinking to himself as he replayed the events. He knew he would have to talk to the villains in custody at the station to grasp the full facts.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

So this chapter was shorter than most, but Chapter 2 will make up for it. I wanted to focus on the details to make a compelling story, so be aware that the next chapter will explain everything.

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