Interview with Yami, Izuku and Ochaco!

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Izuku: Alright, looks like the time has finally arrived. In the chapter, you'll be learning about the Author himself, Yami! So tell the peeps a little bit about yourself.

Yami: Well, I'm a nerd, a guy, 20 years old, black in my soul and skin, and my hobbies are reading, writing, eating, sleeping, being overall a bum.

Ochaco: Press X to Doubt. But thank you for sharing some details. Now we're get into the questions, and then you can say some additional comments if you like!

When is the next update for this story? Do you plan on making it longer or shorter?

Ochaco: Kinda disrespectful that left the story on a lemon tho

Yami: I will throw my shoe at you.

Izuku: Any ideas?

Yami: Well, that seems to be the main question, b it the answer is this: Yes, I will be continuing this story, and it's far from over. As far as my other story The Secret Lovers, my inspiration for going public with my writings was thanks to TastyFrenchFries, so I plan in finishing that too, although the ending I have in mind is only for 2-3 chapters. And Forced to Be Saviors...I'm still on the fence with that. Not saying I could write a better story than RoosterTeeth, buuuuttt....

Ochaco: That's exactly what you're saying.

Yami: Next question.

Do you plan on doing any other fanfics, specifically IzuOcha?

Yami: Yes actually, I still have a bunch of ideas flowing now, some for more original stories, and some for IzuOcha. I was also thinking of OneShots too, like the famous AuthorKun77.

Izuku: Oh yeah, impeccable writing.

Yami: Honestly, I also had an idea to input my OCs in a story, but sometimes I think my writing is cringe. But it's worth a shot.

Why did you delete the app?

Yami: Oof, how to keep this short? Well, honestly, I love writing, more than anything now. Growing up, not many people pushed me for that though. And I finally felt good after hearing the feedback from everyone on this platform. But then COVID happened, and I lost more people in death, and isolation was getting the better of me. I wanted to do everything, I wanted to write and post, but I couldn't as much, and I felt terrible for not being able to do the bare minimum. I felt like I was letting people down, so I stopped and deleted the app.

Izuku: Sorry Yami, things was tough, wasn't it?

Yami: Yeah, but I'm the type of guy to play things off, turn the bad into a comedy. That's why I write my intermissions with you two lovebirds.

Ochaco: SHUT UP!

Izuku: (O///~///O)

Yami: Aight, don't stab me now. Next question please?

Are you okay? Do you have any advice for others who may find themselves in a similar situation?

Yami: I'm better than before, there's no doubt to that. I can smile now without any baggage or stress on my mind. As far as advice, after graduating high school, things didn't change much, still didn't have much money-

Ochaco: I know what that's like.

Yami: And even know, I'm living with relatives because my parents aren't in my life-

Izuku: I know what that's like, well, sorta anyways with Dad and all.

Yami: Right, and my "friends", I don't necessarily blame them, but they wasn't helping me, and I couldn't rely on them in our friendship. I knew that things would have been better if I went on my own and avoided drama. To make a long story short, you gotta learn to love yourself, find who you are as a person. My mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health is much better. While I have people in my life who cares about me more than before, and true friends that I claim as my ride or die, I needed to find the joy in my ability as a person, and stopped looking to please everyone and ignoring my trauma in the past.

I started trying new things, traveled a bit more, stepped outside my comfort zone and increased my skills within my comfort zone. Never stay complacent, always find something to keep you busy, even if it's meditating in the tranquility of your bedroom 2 in the morning, find joy in that and the small stuff. One final advice, don't run from the past. Once you face it, don't ignore it. Use it. Take those painful memories and used them as stepping stones to reach higher goals. Accept yourself, flaws and all, and you'll realize you have potential and you're a great person. Trust me, little do you know, you're somebody's hero.

Izuku: Woah....

Ochaco: Look at you trying to be cool, Yami.

Yami: Yeah, yeah, enough of the caring stuff, that's not me.

Izuku & Ochaco: That's definitely you.

Comments and Future Stuff

Yami: I have to say, one of my biggest highlights in redownloading the app has been reading the comments, a lot of y'all conversations cracks me up and brings a smile to my face.

Izuku: But some of them do have valid points.

Ochaco: Lile the time you called Eri "Eric"

Yami: I mean, I-

Ochaco: Or constantly forgetting to have Izuku say Kacchan instead of Bakugo.

Yami: That's-

Ochaco: And why do you always replace the proper word "were" with was? I'm pretty sure someone mentioned that like 17 times.


Izuku: Oh! Yami wanted to shortly shoutout alphadeecrew123 and khoury112, he appreciates it greatly the amount of messages y'all left him.

Ochaco: Along with that, LD13950 for being a Day 1, and others like...Deadpool?

Yami: Bruh, that dude is hilarious.

Izuku: We actually wanted to say a lot more names, but it would seem repetitive, so from the bottom of our hearts, whether you're new here or a seasoned veteran, we want to say...


Yami: Truly, thank you, it's means a lot more than you know. For those of you who are new, sorry if this is confusing, but since I have more free time, new chapters AND new fanfics are on the way, by the end of this week, along with Original stories.

Ochaco: Please submit Blood Stained Petals, that one has potential.

Izuku: Or The LSD Club, though the name is weird.

Yami: I have a lot in store, so expect a lot in the future, cuz my goal isn't to be famous, I just want to keep writing. Be safe and good night!

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