Myra likes to work alone. From the past decade she has been doing that exactly. So having a work buddy is new territory for her, and she hated changes.

"I don't need a guide, Etasha. It's alright, I can manage." Myra let out a nervous chuckle but stood firm with her words.

Etasha flashed her usual professional smile, "Think of him as a friend than a guide. And trust me, you need someone. It's Delhi, Myra. You are chasing a crime story, not a fairy tale."

Even though her words were sharp, her smile smoothened the edges. Myra decided not to argue anymore. Landing on the bad side of the boss on her first day is not on her today's wishlist.

"If you insist." Myra gave a nod and sat back in the chair.

In no time, the man of the hour arrived with a knock on the door and knocking the air out of Myra's chest. Well less dramatically.

Myra looked up to see a surprisingly young man, possibly in his late twenties walk in with a professional demeanour trailing behind him. He had an aura that would make one difficult to not notice his presence in a room.

As he walked towards Etasha, his deep brown eyes held Myra's gaze for a few seconds, making her heart jump in weird way, much to her annoyance.

Myra turned her gaze away and focused at Etasha who was smiling at the man.

"Myra meet Vishal Nayaer." Etasha introduced her to him, and vice versa, "Vishal, this is Myra, she is here for the crime free India project."

Vishal turned to Myra, his almost six height towering her five foot five. He forwarded his hand towards her and Myra shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Myra." He passed a polite smile towards her and responded in his baritone voice.

Myra recoiled her usually cold hands from his warm dry ones and placed a small smile. "Likewise."

Hunjum, the old office attender opened the door and peeked in, "Madam, Jay sir aap ko bula rahe Hai." [Madam, Jay sir is calling you]

Etasha nodded and got up, on cue Vishal and Myra took their leave and walked out in silence.

As they walked through the main office where all staff was working, Myra could feel everyone's eyes on them. Her, more particularly. Some turned their gaze away when she caught them staring while some continued to do so, making her even more uncomfortable.

Myra decided to not give into it too much instead stole a glance at strangely silent Vishal. His lips set were in thin line, covered by thick but neatly trimmed beard and stache. His equally bold eyebrows were lightly scrunched as if he was in deep thought.

She never saw a man with this amount of widely grown facial hair, well not on this visual range anyway. Her first thought was how does he manage it. Though she admitted he looked a bit intimidating, nonetheless he was manly and handsome with his fashion choice of a simple blue plaid shirt tucked in his snuff brown chinos.

They soon walked out of the building and into the street. She looked around at the bustling traffic on the roads, and scrunched her face, clearly overwhelmed by the never ending crowd.

"You'll get used to it. Hopefully." His deep voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

It was the first time he spoke to her, unprompted.

"Huh?" She asked confused, wondering what he was referring to in specific.

His sharp eyes scanned her face for a brief moment before gazing back at the traffic, "The traffic. The stares, everything." He answered and placed a small smile.

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