Chapter 1: Unknown Arenas. (Pt. 1)

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Kreek's P.O.V:

Agh, my head..what happened? It feels like I've been dead for a while, but then feels like I'm forgetting that I probably didn't die and I'm just overreacting. I slowly stood up and looked around the place I was in. It was pretty weird, to say the least. Cracked grey walls, small holes in the ground, shattered glass.. due to its condition, I can tell that this place was abandoned. But what exactly is this place? I cautiously walked around the place and looked around, trying to find something that could help me. Soon, I made it to a dimly lit hallway that led to what looked like an empty room. It's pretty sketchy, but I don't really have anywhere else to go.

I carefully walked in the hallway, checking to see if anyone, or anything, was watching. I'm not usually this paranoid, but that's not important right now. Once I made it to the empty room, I checked behind me once more to see if anything was there. "Alright, coast is clear behind me. Now..what exactly is this room for?" I wondered, walking around. The room had a few broken things here and there, along with scrapped and burned paper, but other than that, there wasn't really anything that could've helped me figure out where I was. Looks like I'm gonna be stuck here for a while.. But I can't help but feel that I'm forgetting something really important..I just can't remember what.

TanqR's P.O.V:

My heads hurts so badly.. did I really fall and hit my head that hard? Yeah..maybe that's it. The finale got interrupted by some weird beast and threw us all down the hole while taking the judges. I remember all that..but where exactly am I? I got up from where I sat and began looking around. The weird thing is that I heard something like iron shaking. I tried to ignore that as I started moving my head to look around. The weird thing is that this looks a lot like a old colosseum, y'know, with all of the cracks and stuff. Other than pieces of rubble laying around, the place was completely empty. Guess I better start checking then- Wait, why can't I move my legs?! I started to panic as I restrained against whatever held me back, before realizing where the sound of iron shaking came from. Iron shackles were placed around my ankles to keep me from moving. Even my fire can't get through it! That's just great. I sat back down on the sand floor and leaned back against the rock wall. Suddenly, I heard a loud growling sound echo throughout the colosseum, and then the sound of something hard hitting metal. What's going on?

Russo's P.O.V:

The finale was interrupted by that thing, and it took me and the judges captive. I don't know where Sabrina and DJ, but here I am, stuck with chains on my wrists and ankles, standing in front of someone. Green hair, green and black hoodie, and a valkrie like item on their head. That's all I can tell about who this person is.

"Where is the sword of truth, Russo? I know you hid it."

Why is it asking for my sword? Are they planning on doing something to the shrine? I can't let that happen! "No! I don't have it with me, and I don't know where it is either!" I yelled. A feeling of pain struck me in a back as I fell to the knees. Sweat dropping, heavy breathing, and eyes watering.

"Don't lie to me you fool! WHERE IS THE SWORD?!"

This guy's getting on my nerves now..that black thing probably dropped my sword while bringing us here! Hopefully he gets that message though. "I said I don't know! That black thing must've dropped it while bringing me and the judges here!" I exclaimed. Suddenly, he stood up and yelled in a very angered tone.

"ENOUGH! Its pointless trying to ask you! I'll just ask the other two judges myself!"

With a quick move of his arm, I was being carried away to a separate cell. I really hope that what I think is the truth about happened, or we'll all be in trouble!



I'm so sorry for the late chapter, school has been a real pain lately so it's hard for me to write and get this stuff done. Plus I had writers block for a times there.

We have a little bit of description on who's (probably) behind all of this! I'll put it here:

-Green hair
-Green and black hoodie
-Valkrie like item on head

Who do you think matches this description? And no, it's not DJ Monopoli or Parwaz (creator fo Daycare 1 and 2 and vacation)

DJ, signing off!

Word count: 815 words.

RB battles - A change of plans (REWRITE OUT!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant