Chapter Seven: The Cries Of Realization.

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Narrator's P.O.V:

Dylan was in complete shock. He felt fear and sadness rise up inside of him as he just stood in shock after hearing what the voice had said. He didn't want to do this! But he had no other choice, right? He was lost in his thoughts as his whole body shook before snapping back to reality.

"And to make sure you don't try anything rash..." The voice trailed off. "I've placed some restrains on your neck. Break a rule and your head is gonna pop off! What fun!" The voice laughed. Dylan was just standing there, frozen with complete fear. He didn't want this.. he didn't want any of this to happen.

"This is.. just a nightmare!" Dylan tried to convince himself. However, it was reality. And he'd have to face this head on. "3, 2, 1, go!" The voice called.

The prison door opened, and Dylan dashed right outside and started making his way to the yard. He knew that there was a vent leading to the sewers, and from there he could make it outside and continue on from there.

As he made his way to the sewers, he noticed the police station near the vent and paused for a moment. Just a single moment. If Cari had to arrest him to win, and if he won instead.. what would happen to her? He shook his head and tried to get the question away, but questions don't stay put. You can't just walk away from them.

"Earth to Dylan! Time is ticking!" The voice exclaimed, snapping Dylan out of his trance. He dashed towards the vent and opened it before going into the sewers.

"Well, This is giving me some piggy flashbacks..." Dylan thought to himself as he ran through the sewers. Soon, he found a ladder that lead to the outside of the prison. He climbed up and hauled himself out of the sewers before taking a motorcycle he found nearby and started driving to the museum as fast as he could.

"Where's Cari? She hasn't shown up at all yet.." Dylan thought worriedly, continuing to drive there. Once he made it to the museum, he noticed that the top was already opened, which would let him get into the bank without setting off any alarms.. well, not yet, at least.

He made his way to the roof of the museum and let himself in. Inside the museum were multiple security cameras. Dylan knew that if he were to be seen by one, the whole thing was gonna be a bust. With what little luck he had, he dodged most of the security cameras and was able to steal a couple of artifacts while doing so.

Once he made it out of the museum, a loud bell like noise echoed through the area. Dylan quickly covered his ears at the sudden noise and dropped the bag that was filled with stolen artifacts. Suddenly, the voice came back.

"Hahahah! Nicely done Dylan! Sorry for the sudden interruption, but you don't have to rob the bank! In fact, you didn't have to do anything at all!" The voice exclaimed. Dylan just raised an eyebrow in confusion. What was he talking about?

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked. The voice just laughed and taunted Dylan before answering. "Even if you didn't do anything, you would've won either way!" The voice said.

"What're you talking about? What did you do to Cari?!" Dylan exclaimed in fury, feeling the tears swell up in his eyes.

"To put it simply... she's dead!"


"Yep! She's dead and it's your fault! But hey, at least you won the first challenge. That means you get to move on!"

Dylan just stood in shock as the announcement sunk in. His knees gave out beneath him as he let out a loud cry. He didn't even get to say goodbye..

/ Flashback.mp3 loaded. Now playing. \

"Hey Dylan! Can I ask you something?"

"Oh hey Cari! What's up?"

"I know this might sound weird, but.. can you promise me something, please?"

"Sure! What is it?"

Cari hesitated for a minute before answering.

"So, um.. if either one of us were to die, can we promise that when it finally sinks in, instead of crying, we'll look to the sky and say goodbye..? I know it's a bit weird but-"

Dylan chuckles and shakes his head.

"Don't worry about it! I can promise you this, but you have to promise me that we'll stick together until the end. I promise I'll protect you Cari!"

Cari couldn't help but smile and nod.

"It's a deal."

/ Flashback.mp3 end. \

"I'm sorry.. I broke my p-promise.."



I'm so sorry this took so long!! My motivation and ideas were at rock bottom for a LONG time now and they still are..


Thanks for reading!

DJ, signing off!

Word count: 816 words.

RB battles - A change of plans (REWRITE OUT!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant