Chapter Nine: Sorrow and Regret.

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DJ's P.O.V:

He's gone...

Russo's dead...

It's been about a day or so since it was announced, but..

I still can't accept that it's the harsh truth. Neither can Sabrina. This place is hell..

"We have to find a way out of here." I spoke up. Sabrina looked at me in shock as she spoke up as well. "How?! Russo tried to escape, and he died while doing so! What if that happens to us?!" She exclaimed. I flinched a bit at her sudden outburst.

Sure, it hurt to be reminded that Russo died while trying to escape, but we have to try. "Sabrina, listen to me!" I exclaimed, grabbing her shoulders firmly. I looked at her dead in the eyes as I spoke firmly. "We don't know what'll happen unless we try. We can do this."

Sabrina's whole body began to shiver violently as she turned her gaze to the ground. "I know we don't have any other choice.. but I don't want to end up like Russo..! I don't wanna die here!" She admitted, her voice now shaking.

I kept quiet for a moment, trying to think of something to say. Think DJ, think! Before I could say anything else, Sabrina spoke once again. "I'm just scared.. what happened to the competitors when they got taken? What if they're dead?!" She said, before I cut her off.

"Listen to yourself Sabrina!" I yelled. She quickly looked up at me as my grip tightened out of anger. "We can't keep looking and thinking of the negative things that might happen! We gotta work and hope for the best!" I exclaimed. She shakily nodded her head as she suddenly hugged me, starting to cry a bit.

I hugged back as I kept quiet. We need to find a way out of here. But first things first.. we have to find an escape route out of this strange cell.

Preston's P.O.V:

What the.. where am I?

I slowly stood up and glanced around the area around me, trying to figure out where I was. I was inside some sort of white void. It was pretty bright for some reason..

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I asked. No response. I began to walk around this strange void, trying to find someone who knew what this place was exactly. As I was walking, I could hear the sound of some sort of liquid dripping to the ground.

Soon, I sat down on the ground out of exhaustion after walking for a while. "Am I the only person here..?" I asked myself. "Preston? Is that you?" A male voice asked. I perked up at the sound of the voice and looked around me.

"Y-Yeah, it's me! Who and where are you?" I asked, standing up. Suddenly, two familiar figures came running towards me. As I got a better look at them, I realized who they were..

"Cari! Russo!" I exclaimed, running towards them. So they were here with me in this strange void too! "Hey Preston!" Cari said. I let out a sigh of relief as I spoke. "I'm so glad I found you two! I thought I was the only person in this weird void.." I said, relief flooding over me like a large wave.

"Well.. that's the thing. This isn't just a void.. it's like a spectating ground for the ones who died in this new "finale." Russo explained. I instantly froze at his explanation.

"The ones who died..? Does that mean?-" I said in shock. Cari nodded her head.

"We're all dead." She said.


Apologizes for the crappy chapter yesterday!! I'm really sorry.

But I hope you liked this one! I have motivation and ideas again!


DJ, signing off!

Word count: 633 words.

RB battles - A change of plans (REWRITE OUT!)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat