Chapter Six: Promises and Challenges.

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Narrator's P.O.V:

As dawn slowly approached the others, none of them could get a minute of sleep last night. Every single one of them were restless, even Devoun and Minitoon had trouble sleeping. None of them were able to process the news, and the image of Russo's corpse replayed in their minds like a broken tape.

It was hard to process and to accept the fact that Russo was gone.. and that he wasn't coming back.

Kreek laid awake on a bed and stared at the ceiling above him. The words that he had announced just kept repeating in his head..
And he hated it.

He sat up and put a hand on his head, pled his hat off and put it on a nearby side table. Multiple thoughts raced through Kreek's mind within one night.. it felt like his blood had run cold and his mind had stopped working, and it was frozen in time.

Something felt.. wrong with him.

Something wasn't right at all.

Kreek looked around himself, and the darkness was slowly creeping and taking over every single corner of the room and slowly made its way to the bed Kreek was sitting on. He didn't understand.. where did the darkness come from? He backed up a bit and pressed his back up against the wall as the darkness slowly crept onto the bed, and soon made its way onto Kreek, corrupting him.

"No, no, no, no!" Kreek said in a panic, holding his head in fear. His eyes were bloodshot as he felt the darkness corrupt him even more before..

"Hey kreek, you ok?" A voice asked, knocking on a door. The shadows faded away, and Kreek realized that they weren't there anymore. Devoun opened the door and walked inside before seeing Kreek still holding his head, seeming a bit stressed. "Huh? Oh, uh.. nothing. I'm just having trouble sleeping.." Kreek stated, only telling a bit of the truth.

"You sure? I swore I heard you screaming.." Devoun said, putting his prosthetic hand on the back of his neck. "Y-Yeah I'm fine.." Kreek told him, laying down. "Ok then.. if you need help, just let me or Minitoon know." Devoun told him before leaving. Kreek sighed and nodded as he stared back up at the ceiling, wondering what he had just witnessed.

Dylan's P.O.V:

I woke up again and found myself inside of some sort of.. prison? My appearance was different, and so was the place around me. It looked a lot like jailbreak.. for some reason. Suddenly, I heard static from nearby as another voice echoed through my cell.

"Hello there Dylan! Welcome to Jailbreak! I bet you're really confused about why you're here, right?" It asked me. "Who are you? Why am I here?!" I asked in a panic.

"You're here for the first RB Battles challenge! Your objective is to get out of the prison and successfully rob the museum and bank without getting arrested!" It explained to me.

Sounds easy enough..

"Ah-Ah! There's a catch though!" It stated.

Of course.. way to ruin my hopes.

"There's gonna be a cop going after you! If they catch you, then they win! If you successfully rob the bank and museum without getting caught, Then you win! However, only one person can win. You don't want to know what happens to the loser.." the voice exclaimed.

I gulped in fear. What would happen to the loser?

"Anyways! Round one in jailbreak! Hyper vs... Cari! Competitors, prepare to battle!" The voice exclaimed.


I need to go against Cari..?


Three posts in one day?! Wow-

Anyways, here's the first challenge! Who do you think will win?

We're nearing 1k reads, holy crap...

Also somebody give Kreek a hug or something, I don't think he's doing so well..

DJ, signing off!

Word count: 640 words.

RB battles - A change of plans (REWRITE OUT!)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu