Automatically and simultaneously, the four of them bit their fingers to bring out blood and slapped it on the ground.

"Mow down and slip past?" Sasuke smirked. "Piece of cake."

"This guy has the power to clear the distance..." Naruto grinned. "in a single leap and repel any enemy attacks, dattebayou!"

"Air battle?" Shizuka pushes up her glasses. "leave it to me, nanodayo."

"I can now stay near and heal anyone who suffers serious wounds..." Sakura exclaimed. "at all times!"

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

A puff of smoke comes out from the jutsu, along with their summoned beast. Three of them are the animals that the sannin use. But the new addition, the biggest of them all, stood a red dragon.

This dragon is different from the dragon they usually make in a jutsu. This dragon was much bigger, well built, and had four legs. With a scar on the right side of his neck, a jagged blemish scar on his right cheek, and a cross-shaped scar on the left side of his abdomen.

"Shizuka!" the dragon boomed. "who do I need to burn?!"

"We'll focus on the monsters in the air," Shizuka pointed and she felt the dragon move its head upwards.


"Fly, Natsu!"

"Oh, I'm all fired up!!" Natsu roared and after Gamakichi and Aoda move first, he spread his wings and he soared in the air.

He pulled his claws out, tearing apart the monsters that were heading for them. And with a flap of his wings, several monsters fell due to the resulting wind pressure.

"Fire Release: Majestic Dragon Hell Flame!" Natsu exhaled a large scale destructive fire breath attack that completely destroying the surrounding area in a massive explosion. "Yeah!"

Shizuka grinned slightly. But then a blue flash was heading their way really fast. Making the two of them unable to react and are pushed far out of the way.

A loud boom sounded from the impact when Natsu's massive body hit the ground roughly and quickly. Generates vibrations around it.

Shizuka coughed, turning her head towards Natsu who was trying to stand up. "Are you okay?"

"This is nothing to me," he said, completely standing up.

She sighed in relief. "Then who―" her breath hitches as the dust faded away. Standing meters in front of them, stood the one and only Uchiha Madara.

The real Madara.

"I'm a little bit bored," he spoke, his deep voice sending shivers down her spine. "So I hope you can satisfy me."

Shizuka bit her lip as she took a deep breath. She will fight him alone. None of her friends can help her. No, this isn't the time to be selfish. This is for the shinobi world.

"Let's go."

Natsu and Shizuka split up.

"Wood release: Deep forest bloom!" wood sprouted from the ground and wrapped around the dragon, sending him crashing to the ground.

Shizuka focused her chakra on the wood and made the wood unwrapped Natsu. "Wood has no effect on a Midorima," she said coldly, slightly amused by Madara's expression after finding out the wood wasn't working.

But Madara's expression turned flat again. A blue aura shot out from him, and a frame that Shizuka thought was similar to Sasuke's one came out and covered him. Even though it's only half the body.

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