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" Minju-ya, where are you ? You forgot your hairpiece ! " our stylist, Na Joori, called.

" Sorry unnie, I'm so stressed, it will be our first time meeting celebrities ! " she was jumping all around the room. " Do you realize ? "

" I do, sweetie, I do, and that's why you need to appear perfect with that very expensive hairpiece " she joked.

It was chaos in the fitting rooms, between clothing wracks, makeup artists and their whole equipment and stylists. The party was starting in ten minutes and everyone was running around to make sure we would look exactly the way they had planned.

Somebody knocked on the door. Since everybody seemed too busy to answer, I decided to go see myself.

" Director Kim ! Why didn't you directly come in ? " I asked, smiling.

" I didn't want to come in if you girls were not dressed yet, you look amazing by the way " he smiled too.

Director Kim was like a second dad for us at the agency. Even though we had a lot of respect for him, sometimes he would say something out of the professional boundaries, and the girls and I would really appreciate these "company family" moments.

After all, we would have been nothing without him, he had personally assisted to every audition until he found the girls he would want to put together and invest into. Those girls were us and every day we felt so thankful for him.

He didn't know about Manager Woo hitting us at practice sometimes when our teachers would leave the room for a second. We didn't want to disappoint him and complain.

" So, are you nervous ? " he pulled me out of my thoughts.

" O-oh, yeah, I mean who wouldn't be haha ? " I scratched the back of my head.

" I'm sure you will have fun. Never forget to have fun ! I know this is work, but still, make friends, meet people, I'm sure everybody will like you " he gave me a confident look.

" Thanks, PD-nim, I hope so... "

" Well, tell the girls I stopped by to wish you luck, everybody seems occupied, I don't want to bother them, I'll see you on the third floor ! " he made the fighting sign and closed the door.

Talking to him made me relax a bit. He was right, tonight was supposed to be fun. We would reveal our very first MV to our future idol colleagues and celebrate with them. My only concern was my personality, would they like me ?


im going forme blondie to redhead tomorrow im NERVOUS

he's kinda hot tho' || c.yj [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now