Chapter Six

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Miranda's POV~

We all came up with the plan together.

Well, okay, it was mostly me and Liam. Scarlet went to go find Niall, and when the two came back everything seemed like it was okay. I figured that Scarlet had just worked her blonde beauty charm on the boy and he perked right up.

Scarlet's just good with people's emotions. Like this one time, when we were like thirteen, I got rejected by this really hot boy Timmy, and Scarlet bought me candy and took me ice-skaing and in two hours time I didn't even remember his name

"Are you sure that this is gonna work?" Niall asked, staring at the thing in front of us.

"Yeah," I responded, crossing my arms. "I think so. Right, Liam?"

Liam didn't look so sure. "Well," he said, "It's either going to be way too big and kill all of us and set the whole island on fire, or it'll keep us warm."

Scarlet grumbled something under her breathe and Niall laughed.

It was a fire pit. But not the kind of fire pit that you have at a bonfire. It was huge, probably about the size of Liam if he lyed down on the sand, and was surrounded by the biggests rocks that we could carry. There were about a hundred branches and sticks and leaves inside of it, and it was ready. The point of it was to keep us warm, becuase last night we were freezing, and to have someting to cook animals know, if we could figure out how to get the animals in the first place.

"Okay," Liam said. "Miranda, you ready?"

"Yup," I said, pulling the match out of my jean pocket and throwing it into the pit.

My face burned lightly from the sudden heat and I started to fall over but felt Liam's large hands steading me. My vision blurred, and when it focued again I was in Liam's arms and we had a huge, and pretty tamed, fire.

"Yes!" Niall screamed, doing a little jig. "It's perfect!"

"As long as it doesn't get too big and kill of us, that is," Scarlet said.

"Oh shush up," I said, untangling myself from Liam and looking at the fire. It was gooood. Definetly big enough to cook an animal.

"You know," Liam said, "Maybe we really can survive on this island after all."

Shayna's POV~

I gasped and turned over into the ground, refusing to look up. It was dark, but I could feel the presence there. I was shaking.

"Darlinnnng," the voice purred. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Yeah, right. But still, slowly, I peeled myself up from the cave ground and sat up, still refusing to look up at him but somewhat willing to talk. What else was I supposed to do?

"Who are you?" I asked, and to my surprise my voice sounded confident and strong, much unlike how I was feeling at the moment.

"My name's Danny," the voice said, and this time I could catch a hint on an accent in there, but I couldn't figure out what it was. Austrailian, maybe. "Please, darling, look up at me."

Slowly, slowly, slowly, I looked up.

He had dark, messy hair that fell into his blue eyes. He was dirty, mud smeared on his right cheek and his clothes, jeans and a ripped red shirt, were in tatters. He looked maybe eigthteen, if not younger.

"Why are you here? This is a private island," I said.

He sighed, "I didn't chose to be, darling. It just happened. I'm a sailor, I was on an expedition from Austraila to the UK when I ran into some cliffs, and my boat began to sink. I swam to this island."

"How long have you been here?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"About a month. I think. It's hard to keep track of time here." He paused, "May I ask why you are here, darling?"

I hesitated, decided to tell the truth. "My friends," I said. "They bought the island and we were coming here for vacation when our plane crashed. Nobody knows about the island but us, and we're all here."

"And where are these friends, darling?"

"Why do you keep calling me that?"

"Darling, I call every girl that. Please, answer the question."

"I-I don't know. They're probably here, somewhere."

"How many of them?"


He paused, thinking. "What's your name, darling?"


"Beautiful name and beautiful hair," he responded. "Always love a red-head. Darling, your friends must have had a shelter, if they were planning on coming here for a while. Do you have any idea where that might be?"


Danny nodded. "Well then, darling, it seems that we have something to search for."

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