Chapter Twelve

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Annnnnnd we're back! Sorry it's been so long! This one was written by my amazing co-writter! Enjoy!

Mackenzie's POV~

I woke up to the sounds of birds tweeting annoyingly and flapping their massive wings all over the place. It was quite irritating. 

"Shut up stupid birds!" Louis mumbled in his sleep.

Zayn was on the other side of the now burnt-out fire, leaning against a tree. He was still in deep sleep despite all the noise these feathered animals were making. He really was a heavy sleeper.

Since I was the only one awake, I thought that it would make sense if I made breakfast. Sot of how we did it back home. Except now I had no idea where the others are...

Shaking that fact out of my head, I picked up a small, wet branch that was on the ground. Time to get rid of the birds. I swatted them away, trying to be as quiet as possible, which made everything a lot worse. The birds started going crazy making all these ridiculous sounds!

"Sh! Shhh little birdie! Don't wake Louis and Zayn please." I whisper-yelled.

Yeah like the bird was going to listen to me. It started squawking even louder. And then his friend let loose all over my hair! I screamed and the other creatures followed suit. Fantastic.

In frustration, I threw the branch at the stupid birds. I guess they were scared because they all started flying away. "Yeah, that's right! Go away!" I yelled after them. At this point I didn't care if Louis or Zayn woke up. 

Putting a hand to my hair, I felt the white goo. How the hell was I supposed to get this off? And it reeked too.

I sighed and turned around to start the fire before setting off to get food. Louis was sitting up and staring at me in confusion and alarm. "What have you got on your head?"

"Bird poop." I muttered.

"It's a good look for you." He grinned while I just rolled my eyes.

I looked over at Zayn to see that he was still sleeping. Wow, I'm impressed.


"Yes, Kenzie?"

"Can you make a fire while I go get food?" 

Louis frowned. "Why don't I get the food and you start the fire?"

"No, I want to do something special, okay? Let me make he food."

"Fine," he sighed, picking up two rocks. "Try not to get lost, though. Okay? And don't get hurt."

"I won't" I pecked his cheek before setting out to find something edible.

Niall's POV~

This Danny guy was really cool. He lived on this island alone for quite a while and was even friends with the monkeys! He took care of Miranda while me and Liam agreed to go and get some food for all of us.

We walked out of the cave and into the jungle, which was still a little wet from yesterday's storm. I hope the others survived that storm. I hope they're okay.

"Niall? do you think This is edible?" Liam showed me some berries. 

"They look fine to me." I shrugged. 

"Are you sure they're not poisonous?"

"I don't know. Let me try them." I took two out of his hand.

"No wait!" he knocked them out of my grasp. 


"What if they are poisonous? Then you'd die! How am I supposed to tell your girlfriend that you died because I let you eat poisonous berries?!"

"Liam, calm down." I looked at him flatly. He had his hands in his hair and a stubble was already on his face due to the lack of shaving.

"How am I supposed to calm down?!" he practically yelled.

I sighed and saw some dragon-fruit on a tree. Yum! "Liam, shut up and look up there." I pointed to the fruit. There was only one on the branch. Maybe the monkeys ate the other ones. 

"Here, let me give you a boost." He let me climb  up on his shoulders. I reached out for the fruit. "Can you reach it?" He asked.

"Almost..." I reached a little further until I had hold of it.

"Got it!" I wasn't the only one who exclaimed this. I looked to the side and gasped. Up on the tree, hanging from another branch, was a girl. One that I knew very well, and hadn't seen since the plane crash. One that I thought I'd never see again. 

"Mackenzie?" I whispered at the same time she whispered "Niall?"

"Niall? Who are you talking to? Hurry up and get the fruit! You're getting heavy!"

Kenzie flipped so she was now hanging by her legs, upside-down, from the branch. "Liam?" 

 "Aaaah!" Liam lost balance and fell over, dragging me down with him. Luckily I had the fruit in my hands. I landed in huff on top of Liam.

"It lives!" I yelled, holding up the dragon-fruit so he could see. But he wasn't looking at the fruit. He was staring at Mackenzie.

"Mackenzie? Is that really you?"

"Duh! Who else could it be?" She hopped out of the tree and landed in a crouch. 

"It's you! It's you! It's really you!" I dropped the fruit as realization hit me. I ran over to the blonde and hugged really tightly. I'm not going to lie, there were legit tears in my eyes. "I missed you so much Kenzie!"

kenzie laughed. "I missed you guys too!"

"Where were you?" Liam questioned.

She shrugged. "Heck if I know. But we're resting back there." She pointed behind her. "We got a fire and everything."

"What do you mean 'we'?" I asked. "Who else is with you?"

"Lou and Zayn. Is it just you two?"

Liam and I shook our heads. "Originally it was just Niall, Scarlet, Miranda and I." Liam explained. "But just yesterday we found a cave and Shayna."

"And this cool guy, Danny." I added.

Kenzie gave me a questioning look. "You'll meet him later."

"But first," Liam went over and picked up the fruit I had dropped. "We'll get Louis and Zayn. Then back to the cave."

"Okay," She shrugged. "Let's go." Kenzie led the way back to her campsite-thing.

 "Um, Mackenzie? What the hell is in your hair?" I looked at the dried up, crusty white stuff in suspicion.

She sighed. "You do not want to know."

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