Chapter Fourteen

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Harry's POV~

Well, I know I said that we would just take a quick dip in the pond then go and find the others, but we ended up taking a nap in the cool grass. We were tired, okay?

I opened my eyes and immedietely shut them again when the bright sun hit them. Putting my hand out to cover my eyes, I looked over at a sleeping beauty. Dezi. Her dark hair cascaded around her and the way her pupils were moving underneath her eyelids could only mean that she was having a vivid dream. It had better be about me.

Though, she looked beautiful in her sleep, I knew I had to wake her up. We had to find the others. I picked a piece of long grass nearby and proceeded to tickle her with it. I wiggled it under her nose and she was quick to slap it away. I did it again, her nose crinkling in that cute way it did, every time.

"Ugh, Harry. Knock it off." she groaned, turning away from me.

I leaned over her figure. "But babe, it's time to wake up."

She opened one eye to look at me and when she saw my pouting face, she rolled her eyes. "Five more minutes?" she pleaded.

"Nope," I shook my head. "C'mon we have to fi-" I was cut off by a loud wailing noise.

Dezi finally sat up at the sound of it. "Dear Lord, what is that?" I shrugged. "It sounds like a dying whale."

I chuckled. "And you would know how that sounds like." I teased.

She ignored me and stood up, looking around. "C'mon, Haz. Get up. We have to look for the source of the sound."

"What for? For all we know it could be a beast ready to devour us." I relunctantly got up, nonetheless.

"Or," She picked up the rest of our stuff and handed me only the bottle to hold. "it could be our friends. We have to see for sure."

I took the bags from her and gave her the bottle. "Let's go."

We didn't have anything to guide us, other than where we think the noise came from. To our luck though, the wailing cry sounded a total of three more times after we left the pond. We treaded through the thick forest, sweat dripping off our foreheads, until we found the source of that horrid sound.

"Right there," Dezi whispered from beside me. We were currently hiding behind a few trees and bushes. "I think it's coming from right there." She pointed towards a little opening.

I nodded. "On the count of three, we jump out."

She had a determined look on her face, her lips set into a thin line. "One, Two" She began.

"Three!" I shouted. We both jumped out of our hiding places and into the opening, where we were exposed to who knows what.

"What the-" Dezi's eyes were wide and her mouth was agape. I'm pretty sure that I looked exactly the same.

Around us was chaos. Snakes were all over the place, creating havoc. They were slithering all together, everywhere. On the trees, on the ground, even on heads! There were three people there, snakes all over them. Their backs were towards us so we couldn't see their faces. One of them had a large snake on their head.

"Get it off me! Get it off me!!" The person cried. The other two were trying their best to get rid of the reptiles, but it wasn't working.

There was a puddle of a green substance near my feet, which I'm guessing is venom. I wonder what happened to the snakes to have them spitting their deadly venom all over the place.

I broke a branch off a tree and swung it around. "Shoo! Shoo! C'mon, get out of here!" The snakes slowly slithered away. "Yeah that's right! Harry's ruler of the snakes!" I yelled, laughing.

"Harry, look." Dezi said, quietly. I turned around and froze at the sight of the three poeple.

"Scarlet, Niall and Louis." I whispered, mostly to myself. "Scarlet, Niall and Louis. Scarlet, Niall and Louis." I kept repeating, unable to stop. "You're alive." I paused. "You're alive!" I ran over to them and attacked the nearest one to the ground, which happened to be Niall.

"Gah!" Niall cried before falling to the ground, under my weight.

I squeezed the life out of the Irish lad, and I felt tears pouring out of my eyes. "We thought you died." I mumbled.

"Same goes for us." Louis said. "We looked all over for you two."

I pulled away from Niall and went to hug Louis. Since I didn't attack him, he was able to hug me back. He petted my curls, trying to calm down my breathing.

I pulled away and looked over at my girlfriend and Scarlet hugging and crying. They're not dead. We're not alone. We can finally enjoy this vacation. I smiled at the thought.

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