Ch-1 The will

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Rewritten on: 11-05-2021

It's our heroine Bei Weiwei's eighteenth birthday. Her mother's will is to be read today. Her mother was a woman of many virtues - pretty, smart, and kind. All of which were passed down to her only daughter. It was a perfect family, a nice home, their business was doing well and then Weiwei entered the life of her parents who couldn't have been happier.

Alas, life could not bear this much happiness and sent a great disaster their way- Mrs. Bei passed away in childbirth.

Other girls looked forward to their birthday with joy while Weiwei was filled with grief each year. It was as if the letter gave her oxygen for the coming 364 days. She was happy only when she read her letter.

But this year, her mother's will would be read. It was Mrs. Bei's last wish that her will should be read again on this day.
Now, let's continue with the story.


"Weiwei! Wake up! Weiwei! It's your birthday, wake up."
"Two more minutes dad!"
"Wake up right now! "
" Alright, alright.  I'm up now. I'll come down in a sec, just let me brush my teeth."

When she came downstairs into the living room, it was a serious scene.
"Dad why is Mr. Walsh here?"

Mr. Walsh was the Bei family's lawyer.

"Did you forget sweetie? Today mom's will is to be read."

Weiwei remembered very clearly, even though she didn't want to.

"Oh, right. Mr. Walsh, please  start reading it, will you?"

' I, Chen Fang, being in a sane mind, do give and bequeath all my earthly property -- viz. to wit: -- namely

To my husband, my letters, and best wishes. I want him to manage my assets until my daughter comes of age.

To my daughter, Bei Weiwei, I give all my assets, my shares in BeiChen Tech. My clothes, books, jewelry, and all real estate properties under my name are bequeathed to her. I also wish for her to pursue further education at the Qing University of Beijing, China. 

And now having disposed of my most valuable property, I hope all will be satisfied and not blame the dead. I forgive everyone and trust we may all meet when the trump shall sound.

  To this will and testament, I set my hand and seal on this 20th day of Nov. Anni Domino 2010.
                                   Bei Chen Fang.
Witnesses: Bei Zhang, Martin John Walsh.'

" She has left everything to you, Miss Bei. "

Weiwei's eyes were filled with tears. Her mother had some complications in her pregnancy and died soon after giving birth. So she never knew her mother very well. Before her first birthday, her father had moved to the States and joined a company. Her mother, however, had written a letter for every occasion she could think of in her daughter's life before she died. There were letters for her birthday, her first love, marriage, the first day of school, graduation, the first day of her job, every possible situation.

" Weiwei, my love, mom has left you two choices: fulfill her wishes and study in China or go to your dream college in Massachusetts. "

" Dad, do you even have to ask me this question? I will go the Beijing, mom always wanted the best for me. So there must have been some reason why she has stated this in her will."

" Are you sure? You have been preparing for  Massachusetts for so long. "

" I am sure dad. And, this will also be an opportunity for me to be closer to my heritage. Now can I please go and read my letter? "

Her father simply nodded and let her go. Weiwei was right though, there was a reason why her mother wanted her to go to China.
Little did she know that her entire life was flipped by this choice.

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