Ch- 5 Too good to be true

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Xiao Nai sealed a deal with the Wind group and was introduced to Weiwei indirectly.



"Weiwei, get ready, we have to go to Beijing today for your scholarship exam."



"Alright everyone, your time starts now, the question papers are on your desk, please settle down and start writing.  加油。(Fighting!)"

The two hours of the examination passed by as Weiwei attempted the questions confidently. When she finally came out, she was relieved. She could take a break now and concentrate on improving her translation software. For a year now, she had been working on software that could translate Chinese into English and vice-versa. But not like Google translate, you could install it on your laptop and use it in games like " A Chinese ghost story". It does not only translate the instructions, but also chats between players. So, if she wanted to chat with someone, she could type in English and her reply would be sent in Mandarin. Cool, right? and convenient too.

"Let's test it again. I think that it will work this time." Weiwei said.

"Welcome to 'A Chinese Ghost Story.' Please wait for the game to load."  The screen read.

"It works! Yes! I am a genius." Weiwei exclaimed in joy. Two years of hard work were finally rewarded and Weiwei couldn't wait to play the game.


Weiwei stared at the stunning swordswoman dressed in red and wondered.

"hmm...  what name should I pick? My avatar is strong and flexible. It represents both strength and wisdom, like bamboo, hmm..."

"How about this, Luwei Weiwei? Luwei meaning reed referring to bamboo and Weiwei means me.  This sounds good. "

The magnificent swordswoman in red entered the server Beijing Fengyun under the name of Luwei Weiwei and began her journey to the top of the server.

Days passed and then, Weiwei's result was declared. She had secured first place in the exam and had received a full scholarship, it could be said that the school was basically paying her to study there.

On the other hand, Xiao Nai was busy with his company. He was finding a suitable place for the company, after all, Zhiyi tech's headquarters couldn't always be in his apartment. Once in a blue moon, he looked at the sketch he had picked up in Shanghai and thought of the artist. He hadn't seen her face properly, he was too busy focusing on her hands. He wondered what those enchanting fingers would look like on a keyboard. he didn't understand why he couldn't forget her. He never even spared the so-called " campus beauty" a glance.  If only he got a hint as to what her identity was!

Wait a minute, didn't the guy she was with say that she was going to apply for a scholarship exam at Qing university? If she passed, then maybe we will meet again.  But until then, he could only wait.


The new semester started in September, Bei Weiwei had to live in a dorm due to the campus rules. She wasn't very comfortable with the idea (she was worried she'd say something wrong in Chinese) but her roommates were understanding and had good English. So communication was not as much of a problem as she had expected. But the real problem was in understanding what was taught in the classes. It had only been a day, but Weiwei was so exhausted from trying to understand what was being taught that she went to the administration department and applied for a Chinese tutor.

Two days later, the college sent her the details of someone called Cao Guang. He was one year her senior and the top student of the school of foreign languages. To be honest, he looked quite fit and quite a few girls had him as their dream guy. Even one of her roommates, Zhao Er'xi was his fan, but not as big of a fan she was of their senior from the same department, Xiao Nai.

Xiao Nai was a god-like presence on the campus. He had a full scholarship and had already started a game company with his roommates. It was rumored that their first game would be launched in cooperation with the Feng Teng group of companies. Not only was he a pro at programming, but also the star player of the basketball team of the Department of Computer Science. His many extraordinary qualities and flawlessness was the reason a lot of female students(some male students who admired his skills too) called him- 大神 (master, da shen.)

Everyone wondered which girl will be lucky enough to reside in his heart and shadow his thoughts. Most thought that the winner of the campus beauty selection will be the fortunate angel. Little did they know, this angel had already gained control of him unknowingly.

Anyway, moving on. Let's go to Miss Bei's tutoring session with her tutor, Cao Guang.

"Senior Cao, I am Bei Weiwei. Thank you for tutoring me." She said, in English of course.

"Hello Miss Bei, please repeat what you said in Chinese. " He said in Mandarin. He wanted to test how bad her Mandarin was.

This was simple enough for her. The session went on for an hour. Today, they were sitting in the library.

"So, I think that you aren't too bad at this. You have difficulty in expressing your thoughts and ideas mainly. Correct?" He asked.

"Yes." Weiwei replied.

"I think that this is because you just need a little more practice. The university requires you to have your HSK certification within your first year. It might be a stretch, but I think you should be able to do it. Oh! and try to speak in Chinese as much as possible with me and your roommates." He said.

"Alright, thank you. See you tomorrow." She said and hurried to get away.

Something about this guy felt off, the way he looked at her, the way he spoke, guided her, and corrected her, it was all normal. Nothing was lecherous about him, he was perfectly alright. A little too alright, almost too good to be true.


Hi everyone, here is the much-awaited update. Although it isn't much because I haven't written the style I am using here. You see, the writing style here is carefree and somewhat noob? So, recently I have been focusing mostly on 'The Ghostly Doctor's Apprentice' and its style is much more serious and not so beginner-like. This might not be so good, but the next will certainly better. my apologies for disappointing you, see you next week.

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