My Day Was Great

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Mickey's POV:

     Ian got back from work just as I was finishing making dinner. He goes upstairs and changes before walking back down the stairs and kissing my cheek. "Hey babe. How was your day?" He asked me. "It was ok, nothing out of the normal happened. How was your day?" Ian smiled and said, "My day was great. I showed up to work and found it very calm which was surprising considering that it's a Monday..." He continued to talk although I was only half listening. I stood there cooking and smiling at him. I love listening to him talk about something he loves doing. I stared at him and laughed a bit. He looked at me confused. "What?" He asked. "Nothing, you are just really cute when you talk about the things you love." He smiles and stands up hugging me and kissing my forehead. "Thank you Mick." "Of course carrot top." I say kissing him gently. I finish cooking and set down the plates at the table.

     "You going to continue your story or are you done?" I ask him grabbing a forkful of food. "Oh I'm done." He says. He stares at me for a bit, I stare back and he starts laughing. "What is there something on my face?" I ask grabbing a napkin. "No, I just love you, so much." I smile and take his hand. "I love you too Gallagher."

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