The Keys of Time

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        "No no no! I will not speak of this matter to the Royal Family!" Ganondorf cried out angrily as he slammed his fist on the arm of his great throne. The King stared hard at Nabooru who stood before him unphased with her hands resting on her hips. "Diplomacy may be the only way of obtaining the Triforce to reverse this curse Your Majesty," she stated coolly. You let out a small cough from your place on the cushioned pillow beside the foot of the throne. Thanks to the efforts of Twinrova you had been cured of the strange illness that had overtaken you days ago. You were well enough to accompany the King as he attended to his royal duties around the desert kingdom besides he loved having you near him. "Pardon me Ganondorf but there is wisdom in Nabooru's words," you spoke softly. 

       Ganondorf turned his hardened gaze to you. "Y/N, my words will fall upon deaf ears as they did when I attempted to petition King Daphnes I to expand Gerudo territory. Obtaining the Triforce by means of force seems to be our only way forward." You quirked an eyebrow at Ganondorf. " I am sure if you explained yourself and the reasoning he might just listen. You are only proving the Hylians right if you insight violence." Ganondorf leaned back heavily in his throne seeming to grasp your words. Nabooru tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. "Very well, Nabooru arrange for a few of my council to accompany me to Hyrule Castle. We shall leave at first light." Nabooru smirked and bowed before departing the right chambers. 

       Once you were left alone with the King he beckoned you forward, to which you obliged. He picked you up as if you were a small child and set you gently on his knee. "Why must you defy me my sweet?" Ganondorf inquired stroking your hair. "So you do not do anything stupid that will get you killed," you simply replied with a smile. "You know Y/N you would make a fine queen," Ganon said after a few moments of silence. You glanced shyly up to the Gerudo King your cheeks flushing pink. "Truly?" He nodded and kissed your brow. " Once the threat of Demise is removed would you consider ruling at my side? If not I would understand and escort you back to the Lost Woods." 

      You had to think long and hard as Ganondorf presented you with a tough choice. If you become his queen you would be able to pursue a relationship with the King. However, at the same time, the offer to return back to your homeland was tempting. "I would miss you greatly," he whispered pulling you into an affectionate embrace. Sighing contentedly you fall snuggled closer. "I would be honored to be your queen Ganondorf Dragmire." The King turned you to face him, his face seemed to be glowing with happiness. "I love you Y/N." He then kissed you passionately cradling your back. 

 *******************************Time Skip***********************************************************

      Four days later, you Ganondorf and two Gerudo council women stood before the great throne of King Daphnes I. Princess Zelda sat upon his left gazing calmly towards the entourage that had gathered. "King Ganondorf we meet yet again, it is an honor to welcome you once more," King Daphnes I declared. His eyes fell politely upon you and the others. Princess Zelda grinned excitedly towards you flashing her golden lyre in your direction. You couldn't help but grin widely. Ganondorf's voice brought your full attention back to the situation at hand. 

      " Regarding our peace talks the last session King Daphnes I may have a solution to the curse of which I bear," the Gerudo King stated gravely. The Hylian ruler peered grimly at him. "A solution that would not mean your death?" Ganondorf nodded in acknowledgment. "All I ask is to use the Triforce to grant this simple wish." Princess Zelda let out a gasp of astonishment while her father rose from his seat towering over the audience. "That is out of the question. Should you make such a wish then Hyrule would be plunged into a world of darkness with you as it's King. Do you take me for some fool, Lord Dragmire?" Daphnes snapped. Ganondorf's face darkened at Daphnes' harsh words, his left hand clenching into a fist. "Do not doubt me Daphnes my intent is to rid myself of this wretched curse. Long have my people suffered from suppression due to my past transgressions I do not wish for that to continue. I would highly suggest you reconsider." 

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