Gerudo King Ganondorf

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You woke up a few days later to unfamiliar surroundings. High redstoned walls rose all around with only a solitary window far out of reach. Heated sunbeams streamed through this window causing a dry arid atmosphere. The rattles of chains filled your sharp fox ears as you realized you were shackled in a dungeon chamber. You licked your lips which were cracked and dry from a lack of water. "Where am I?" you questioned looking around dismally. A dull aching pain could be felt at the base of your skull. "Last thing I remember was searching for intruders within Kokiri Forest and then ... nothing else." You brought your hand to the source of the aching pain and brushed against a nasty lump. 

You suddenly heard the sound of gears grinding followed by a heavy door swinging open. A young woman dressed in pink desert clothing entered her red heels clacking nearly soundless on the floor. "Ahh I see you have awoken very good." You took a step back eyeing her warily. "Take it easy I won't harm you. My name is Nabooru," the woman introduced herself. "Y/N," you replied curtly. "Where am I Nabooru?"  Nabooru slowly approached you kneeling to your level as she was rather tall. "The Gerudo Valley ... the Gerudo Fortress to be more precise," she said. 

"Gerudo Fortress but how did I wind up so far from the forest?" You questioned e/c eyes enlarging in disbelief. Nabooru smiled sheepishly and explained in minor detail. " You don't understand I have to get back to the forest! Without my presence it will be overrun in shadow."  Nabooru looked away uneasily. "Look I'm sorry but I had orders to follow. I cannot let you go free either. Our King has requested an audience with you," she said. You blinked panic settling within the pit of your stomach. "And if I refuse?" you inquired seriously. "You can either come voluntarily or I drag you forcefully. Your choice Y/N," the Gerudo finished. Seeing as you had no weapon and your energy reserves for your magic were quite low you decided to comply. "Very well I will meet this King you speak of." Nabooru flashed you a twisted smile. "Good I prefer it this way. I don't wish to harm you." Nabooru took a large iron ring of small keys from her belt and used them to undo your chain. "As long as you promise not to flee I will permit you to walk freely." You slowly inclined your head forward. With a curt nod of satisfaction Nabooru motioned you to follow her.  

The young Gerudo woman escorted you through a series of complex corridors alight with firey torches. You passed through narrow hallways with patrolling guards carrying curved glaives, some casting a curious glance your way. One long chamber you noticed looked to be a grand dining hall with stone tables and benches. A few more of these Gerudo women were seated around eating and drinking some conversing in a foreign tongue to one another. Nabooru soon ascended a large stairwell covered in a thick crimson red carpet aligned with golden designs. At the top stood a vast ebony black door bearing the geometric symbol of the Gerudo Tribe. Two guards were stationed on either side and saluted Nabooru. 

"Lady Nabooru, the King has been expecting you. This must be the prisoner His Majesty has requested to meet," one the Gerudo guards stated staring at you quizzically. You made steady eye contact with her. "Yes this is she," Nabooru said patiently. "If you could kindly announce us Liana I would appreciate it. I do have other duties to attend to today." The guard ignored Nabooru waving her off. "Just what are you?" Liana asked curiously her gaze falling to your vulpine ears and tails. Nabooru cleared her throat tersely. "Liana it is inadvisable to keep our Lord Ganondorf waiting. Either announce us or risk his wrath," Nabooru said threateningly. Liana bit the inside of her cheek before beaming her a serpentine grin. "As you wish, follow me." 

Liana led you and Nabooru through the monstrosity of a door. Another crimson carpet ran the length of this grand chamber from the doorway to the steps of a rising dais. Great pillars matching the ebony black stone of the door rose high supporting circling snakes carved into the structure. Their fangs bore chained lanterns with multicolored embers dancing within. You were slightly reminded of four Poe Sisters that often roamed the halls of the Forest Temple at night.  A massive cushioned throne occupied the dais where there sat a hulking Gerudo male clad in heavy dark armor. A flowing scarlet cloak was draped elegantly about his broad shoulders.

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