Lillies and Lavender Oil

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     Once again you were being led through the maze of dimly lit corridors by the Gerudo King.  Due to his tall structure you found it difficult to keep up with his long strides. Every now and then Ganondorf would glance over his shoulder to ensure that he did not get too far ahead. You could have sworn that the King smirked each time causing a blush to creep to your cheeks.  What am I blushing for? I can't possibly find this man attractive.  We just barely met.  A voice of reason spoke within the recesses of your mind. You immediately shook these thoughts away along with a flick of your six tails. 

     Ganondorf soon halted abruptly before a door eteched with the Gerudo symbol on it. You were barely paying attention to your surrondings when you bumped hard into him and fell backwards on your bum. "Oof," you grunted rubbing your backside gingerly. Ganondorf unphased by this turned to assess your predicament, one of his bushy red eyebrows cocked. "It appears you have fallen," he stated kneeling to your level. "How observant you are," you shot back annoyed. The King chucked lightly extending his hand to you only to have it brushed away. "I can stand on my own thank you."  Ganondorf merely shrugged drawing back to his full height. "As you wish."  

    After you got to your feet the King pushed the door open and motioned for you to step inside first with a polite gesture. You stepped inside only to be greeted by a vastly spacious chamber hardly daring to believe this was all for you. Crimson and gold curtains hung luxriously from their fittings in the ceiling above. Serpent shaped lanterns were strung about on chains in criss-crossing patterns. An elegant queen-sized bed with soft silky sheets to match the curtains was positioned near a grand balacony overlooking the vast desert. Beautifully carved statues of gold Lizalfoes and minature Armos sat upon a center table gleaming in the afternoon sun. 

    Your e/c orbs grew wide with wonder as you stepped further into the chamber

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    Your e/c orbs grew wide with wonder as you stepped further into the chamber.  "By Farore's Wind," you murmured softly. Ganondorf walked in behind you smirking lightly. "It may not be as grand as your previous accomodations but I hope it is to your liking," the King said folding his muscled arms across his chest. You turned to Ganondorf offering him a gentle bow. "Thank you is there a place for me to wash?" you questioned slightly concerned. Ganondorf inclined his head toward a room adjoined to the sleeping quarters. 

   "You will find all you need within. I must take my leave as I have matters with my people to address." He turned to leave but stopped short.  "I will be requesting your presence this eveing at my dinner table," Ganondorf said gruffly. "I will be sending servants to assist you in preprartions so do not keep me waiting."  You huffed lightly glaring at his back. "You know instead of demanding all you need to do is ask," you mumbled under your breath. Ganondorf turned his sharp golden gaze in your direction. Immediately you flinched at this nasty stare your heart was pounding in your chest. Letting out a small growl Ganondorf stomped off slamming the door behind him. "Sheesh what a child!" You stuck your tongue out at the door and glaring daggers at it. 

    Flopping yourself on the bed you stretched your arms out and stared at the ceiling. A few minutes later a soft knock was heard at your door. "Come in," you invited sitting up expectantly. Four young Gerudo maids dressed in green silks entered and stood in a line before you. "Greetings Lady Y/N," the eldest one on the right bowed. "King Ganondorf has asked us to prepare you for tonight's feast. We shall begin by running a warm bath for you." Unsure on how to reply you merely nodded. "Follow us please," she beckoned. 

     Within the large washroom was a large sunken bath with three fountain heads carved into the likeness of lions. The maids bustled about the pool turning on the water dispensers. Soon the bath was filled with hot steaming water pooring from the gaping lion jaws. One maid tossed white lillies into the liquid while the other emptied out lavender oil and sweet smelling salts causing steam to rise up.  You stood awkwardly still as another maid peeled off your robes and smallclothes. Quickly covering up your modest areas you felt your face turn completely red. The eldest maid ushered you into the water speaking reassuringly to you. 

     Rather hesitantly your body adjusted to the steaming temperature of the bath. The maids did not waste any time with scrubbing away at the grime and sweat on your s/c. Your tense muscles relaxed as you feel the stress of the day melt away with each stroke of the soft sponges applied to your skin. "Go ahead and wet your hair please Miss," one maid kindly instructed. You did as you were directed and dunked your h/c locks. As you emerged upright you let out a relieved sigh and cleared any excess water from your face. The maids applied scented shampoo and conditioner taking great care around your vulpine appendages. You felt your eyes grow heavy from the combination of relaxation these maids pampered you with. One whispered to her counterpart how lucky you were to be chosen as the King's honored guest. Her companion giggled and mentioned how wonderful it would be if Ganondorf decided to court you. After rinsing your hair you were gently shaken awake and escorted out of the sunken bath. 

     Three of the maids toweled you dry while the eldest went away to retrieve you a change of clothes suited for desert weather. She soon returned with an outfit of your f/c and held it out for you to survey. You nodded and smiled eagerly earning a glowing response from her. The maids quickly helped you into your new set of clothes leaving the shimmering mouth veil for last. It was rather difficult to ease your tails through but after careful manuvering on your end succeeded. They then set you down before a large mirror and quickly began combing out your hair. The ladies consulted with one another in their native on how your hair should be styled. Finally all four came to an agreement and nodded together before setting to work. They wove your h/c tresses into a long flowing braid and sprinkled golden glitter upon it to give it extra shine. For a finishing touch the maidens added desert charms to hang from each of your tails. Once they were finished they stepped aside and bowed deeply. You stared at your reflection truly amazed by this transformation that you barely recognized yourself. 

      You were interrupted by a loud pounding on the door.  Before you could invite them the door burst opened and Ganondorf stormed inside. The maids gasped and bowed deeply before their King. "You are dismissed," he gestured gruffly. The maids  quickly and quietly departed from the chamber. You turned to face the King a sheepish grin crossing your face. His golden eyes regaled you with a soft smile, truly you were a sight to behold. "You look lovely," Ganondorf complimented folding his arms across his chest and leaning forward slightly. You blushed a little upon hearing this words. "It seems your mood has improved somewhat," you said cocking an eyebrow at him. The King chuckled. " Only because I have received some interesting news from Hyrule Castle which we shall be discussing at dinner. I have come to escort you as a proper host should."  Ganondorf eloquently extended a large hand to you. Hesitantly you accepted it as he began to lead you off. 

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