Chapter 4: Visitor

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Skeppy yelped and instinctively punched the figure as hard as he could. He scrambled up to a sitting position and hurriedly tugged at the lamp on his bedside stand.

The light illuminated the room as the figure let out a very human groan.

"Jesus Skeppy, what was that for?"

"Sapnap?" Asked Skeppy, bewildered by his friend's presence.

"Uh, yeah," he muttered, rubbing his jaw, which was already sporting a red mark where Skeppy's fist had connected.

"Why are you in my room?" He said, wincing when he saw the mark he'd made.

"Well I would've waited out in the sitting room, but I heard screaming. Turns out I should've waited anyway," Sapnap responded, muttering the second part under his breath.

"Okay, why are you in my house?" Skeppy continued bitterly.

"What are- cause you texted me?" He sounded as confused as Skeppy.

"I did what?"

Sapnap huffed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and flipped it around to show Skeppy.

Skeppy: You wanna come over?

Sapnap: I mean sure, but why?

Skeppy: I need someone to talk to

Sapnap: I'll be there soon

Skeppy: The key's under the eave, I'll be asleep

Sapnap: K

Normally, Skeppy would've blamed the confusion on just waking up, but the nightmare had left him wide awake and he swore he'd never sent those messages.

"Sapnap, I- I never sent those texts."

"Well then who did?" Genuine curiosity infiltrated Sapnap's voice.

"Who else would know where the spare key is?" Skeppy murmured to himself more than to Sapnap. He stared blankly at the wall, lost in his own thoughts.

"So," began Sapnap, clearing his throat to get Skeppy's scattered attention, "What was with the screaming?"

Snapping out of his daze, Skeppy gazed at Sapnap with an incredulous expression. "What do you think?"


"Yeah." Sapnap sat carefully on the edge of the bed, as far away from Skeppy as possible. He himself was still a bit jumpy.

"What was it about?" Sapnap asked tentatively.

After a moment of silence, Skeppy let it all pour out. When he'd finally finished telling the story, Sapnap was quiet.

"You know, I've been having nightmares too, whenever I can sleep. My roommate gets freaked out every time the screams start." Skeppy watched him pick at a hangnail while he talked.

"Is it getting better for you? At all?" Skeppy appreciated the comforting words, but he needed to know.

"I don't-" Sapnap gathered his thoughts and started once more, "I don't think this is something that gets better very quickly."

Skeppy nodded and encircled his arms around his legs that he'd brought to his chest. "Sapnap, I miss them." He held back a sob.

"I know." He put a comforting hand on Skeppy's knee as he whispered. "Me too."

They sat in silence for a while, dwelling on their own thoughts, before Skeppy had the insight to offer his unexpected guest some refreshments.

Sapnap graciously accepted and they walked to the kitchen together.

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