Chapter 2

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As the sun set on the revitalized village, the darkened atmosphere seemed to illuminate the glow of happiness around the town. Torches licked all around the evening air, but the brightest light came from the center, where a huge bonfire was being reignited by none other than the Fire Lord himself.

Indistinct chatter filled the open air. Bobo and his grandmother shared stories from happier times. A small gathering of children were learning new water bending tricks from an older Tiger-Seal bandit who sat and coached. On the other side, a few villagers were setting down serving trays full of freshly roasted meats and stews. An elder beckoned the youth to "stop playing around and come eat your dinner."

The remaining bandits were chaperoned by familiar faces and swapped old war stories with some of the Fire Navy cadets. They were all coaxed into joining the youth for the meal. Zuko sauntered over to sit by Sokka, who was tending to the wounds his meteor sword had incurred from the earlier battle. Sokka was hunched over the blade, with furrowed brow. His tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he clumsily sharpened his weapon.

"Be careful," Zuko's voice was raspier than usual when he cautioned the young man who still exuded childish tendencies. Sokka straightened his posture and quickly adjusted his facial features to display more confidence in his procedure. "I know what I'm doing!" There was a slight crack in his voice which he modified to a deeper register, "I'm just cleaning up the mess you made."

Zuko snorted and shoved his shoulder into Sokka's to throw him off balance. "Hey! You be careful!" Sokka frowned and shoved him back but underestimated his strength. Sokka fell into Zuko. The motion pushed the two further than expected. Zuko was quick enough to notice, and caught them both from toppling over. Sokka gulped and Zuko raised his free hand up to the nape of Sokka's neck. As the pale forefinger grazed the tanned skin, Sokka felt the hair on his neck stand on end. And as quickly as shock entered his body, Zuko gripped the collar of Sokka's shirt and lifted him off his torso.

Sokka's cheeks were flushed and ears hot, returning his attention back to the sword. Zuko turned his head slightly away from Sokka's line of vision and snickered, mostly hiding his own indulgence. "Are you hungry?" asked the husky voice. "Are you?" chirped the other.

The two stood quickly to release the tension, but with no avail. Sokka started off towards the feast, and Zuko followed. They reached the banquet and Sokka hesitated before offering Zuko to partake in the meal politely. Zuko gestured for Sokka to go first, and the ravenous warrior piled heaps of meat onto a tray for himself. Zuko smirked to himself as he humbly participated in the varying proteins.

They found a place to enjoy their meal together and playfully recapped the earlier battle. Sokka enthusiastically exaggerated the scene, while Zuko attempted to retell their story more accurately to the former bandits that inquired. Nearby children sang the tanned warrior's praises, asking for more details about Sokka's victory against the new Fire Lord. Zuko submitted to the will of the audience, and hopelessly listened and admired Sokka's imagination.

The night was filled with dramatic tales and laughter. It had been a long time since the village had a celebration to focus on, not since the end of the Hundred Year War. The community livened with the reintegration of their lost companions. Bobo and the others had been softening from the reception. It had been many years since they had a home cooked meal. The excitement was dying down, people were returning to their homes and some invited the old desperados to stay with them for the night. The logistics for the future were tomorrow's problem.

Sokka shared an exchange of farewells to his impressionable young fans, and the children scattered off to their homes. Zuko crossed his arms and smirked, as the youth walked away. Sokka turned abruptly to the sound with a huff. "What's that look for?"

Zuko picked up Sokka's sword which was resting against the large rock they had been sitting on. The sword had gone through many imaginary demonstrations throughout the evening. He angled the sword towards Sokka, "I'm just very impressed by you." He took a few long steps closer to him. "You claim not to be a leader," Zuko continued closer, "and yet, these people hang on your every word."

Zuko tapped Sokka's right shoulder with the end of the blade, raised it over Sokka's head, and tapped the other. "I know this isn't my land, but I hereby dub thee..." He trailed off stepping a hands length from the copper skinned warrior, lowering the sword into the sheath on Sokka's hip and quickly holstering the weapon "...An honorary diplomat of the Water Tribe for the Fire Nation." Zuko grinned, his golden eyes flickered with the remaining embers from the once vast bonfire nearby.

The warrior stood in silence staring back into amber eyes for what felt like a little too long. He felt his own blue eyes fill with water from respect. Zuko's smile turned from pride to panic. He took a step back and raised his hands together in front of himself apologetically. "I'm sorry, I just-"

Sokka quickly interrupted Zuko's overthinking "No, no! I'm sorry. I really appreciate it. I know it's not a 'real thing,' it's just nice to be... well, seen." Sokka rubbed his eyes quickly and continued, "Ever since Katara and Aang left on their 'mission to restore balance around the world' blah, blah.. I wanted to make a difference where.. it mattered to me..." Sokka shrugged.

The smile was restored on Zuko's face while Sokka looked away to wipe a stray tear. Before he returned his gaze to see if he had been noticed, Sokka was already locked in an embrace. Sokka felt Zuko's breath on his ear, "You make your mark no matter where you are...because of who you are." Zuko pulled away, "You seem to have set your people up for success. I wonder what would happen if you went on your own mission?"

Zuko started off toward the makeshift ice castle that was Sokka's home. Sokka stood a little shaken from the mixture of emotions. Praise and recognition, affectionate confusion, sympathy and curiosity... When he regained his focus, he realized Zuko had left him behind. Sokka shook his head confidently and chased after the Fire Lord. "Hey! Wait for me! And, what did you mean by my 'own mission?'"

The two disappeared into the house as the last embers of the event died out. 

A/N: I mean, come on... cute, but figure it out Sokka! Sounds like a patented Zuko Field Trip to me. But who cares what I think. 

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