Chapter 11

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A/N: (sorry for delayed postings and whatnot. Work is kicking my butt!) Also- I realized there is only one chapter left after this. Oop- Thanks for coming along for this ride. 

...and here we go! (~O_O)~ 

The room was exactly as he left it. Zuko walked over to the wardrobe and pulled the belt off from around his waist. As he hung the belt, the corners of his mouth turned down into a guilty frown. He wanted to apologize to Sokka for running away before Yu Dao, and to freak out together about the purple flames. But Zuko felt too spiteful at the moment.

Does Sokka want Suki back? I mean, she did help him resolve the conflict... unlike me, who ran somewhere else for answers.

Zuko pulled the robes off his shoulders and tossed them over a nearby chair. He clenched his fist and walked over to the floor length mirror. He raised the fist in front of his bare chest and opened his hand. He stared at his reflection as the yellow, red and now purple flames danced in his palm. The colors bounced off the pale skin of his chest and Zuko reflected on what the best way to make amends with Sokka after being so aggressive.

This is just so much at once, I need him for this...

" NO! You don't get to be like this!" Sokka shouted as he burst into the room. Sokka had been pacing in the hallway after Zuko slammed the door in his face. Sokka was trying to figure out what had happened to cause Zuko to shut him out. After everything, Sokka felt he was the only one who deserved to be angry.

Zuko closed his hand and turned quickly, "Sokka.." he breathed.

"Shut up. You're the one who left! You don't get to be upset!" Sokka stormed forward and poked Zuko in the chest for added emphasis on the 'you.' The tips of Sokka ears were red with frustration. "I'm sorry if the other day was confusing, but you-... You just leave?" Sokka growled. Zuko saw the anger in Sokka's eyes flicker to loneliness.


"I said shut up!" Sokka continued, "You just- disappear? You brought me here! Then, abandoned me to finish your mission alone? Which, if I might add, I did exquisitely. So, you know what?! You're welcome, Your 'Highness.' I'm going back to the Southern Water Tribe. Good luck finalizing the treaty without me. I'm done."


"WHAT?!" he screeched, and his voice cracked with the added frustration.

Zuko grabbed the shouting man and thrust him against the full length mirror. Sokka grunted, "What the hell!" Zuko frowned, reopened the palm of colorful fire and raised the flames above his head in preparation for attack. Sokka swept a leg under Zuko's ankles making him fall backward and stood away from the mirror quickly. "Dude!? What is your deal!?"

Zuko groaned as he fell on his back. "You wanna fight," he threw both legs parallel to his core, then back as he thrust himself onto his feet. "Then, let's fight." Zuko snickered. Sokka curled his upper lip and huffed, "You know this isn't a fair fight."

Zuko raised a brow and laughed, "Since when do you care about a fair fight?"

"W-where is this coming from?" Sokka's voice cracked again.

"Suki." Zuko hissed. "You played me."

"Oh geez. Again? Come on!" Sokka threw his head back, exasperated. "What? Are you jealous or something?" Sokka sneered.

When Zuko didn't respond, Sokka's grin fell from his face, "W-were you on that airship platform?"

Zuko exhaled and the flame in his hand grew up his forearm and he started towards him.

"Hey- Whoa, hey... Take it easy!" Sokka backed up against the mirror again. "First of all, she was saying goodbye." Zuko pinned Sokka to the mirror with his other arm and Sokka winced at the flames.

"Hold on! This is still about you! Why'd you leave in the first place? Was it the fire stuff or..." Sokka's eyes softened, "...or me?" Zuko flinched and extinguished his flames. He relaxed and stared into the soft blue eyes of the tanned idiot in front of him.

"It was..." Zuko chewed on his bottom lip, feeling the pressure to choose his words carefully. He scratched the back of his neck, "I mean... I'm going through a lot." He gestured and made the purple flame shoot out again, sarcastically. "So, I went to see my uncle and figure it out." Zuko mumbled and released Sokka from under his grasp.

"Oh thank the Spirits." Sokka clutched his chest in relief and side-stepped from the mirror to point at Zuko. "Dude! I thought it was because of the thing!"

"The 'thing'..." Zuko sucked his teeth and raised his brow. "Really... that's what you're calling it. And, get your finger out of my face" Zuko yelled, swatting Sokka's hand away.

Did he just refer to the moment we shared as 'the thing?'

"Ya, the 'thing.' I thought you couldn't be around me anymore. Oh cool, it's not me!" Sokka dropped to his knees laughing hysterically.

"Again... Purple fire." Zuko responded flatly. "I don't understand how you're still making this about you?" Zuko huffed and rolled his eyes. Sokka wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes and wrapped his arms around Zuko's waist.

"Er.. what are you doing?" There was no way Zuko could hide the amount of red that flooded his cheeks spread over his neck and chest.

"I'm apologizing." Sokka's unshaven cheek brushed over Zuko's torso as he looked up at him.

"Okay... you're forgiven." He muttered and tried not to look down at the newly scruffy warrior. Zuko crossed his arms over Sokka's head. Sokka was still looking up at him with a hopeful smile.

"I don't know what you want from me." Zuko huffed.

Sokka pouted. Zuko frowned.

"What!" Zuko's voice cracked as he tried to hide his own smile. "Why are you still down there?" Sokka grinned, "Do you not want me on my knees?"

Zuko's eyes widened and his entire body turned red. "OK. Get off. It's like you want to get burned." He pulled Sokka's arms off of him and took a step backward. Sokka stood up and laughed realizing the connotation a little too late. He looked back at the Fire Lord searching for, yet again, more forgiveness.

"Zuko..." Sokka focused on him with more sincerity. "I was really worried about you."

Zuko dropped his defenses. He watched the smile fade from the man across from him. "I understand why you left." Sokka walked closer to Zuko and took his previously fiery hand into his own. "And I know, now, that it wasn't my fault." Sokka looked down at the pale hand, weak to his touch.

"I could never run from you..." Zuko mumbled and squeezed the hand holding his. He lifted his free hand under the scruffy chin and lifted Sokka's gaze to meet his. "But you do need a shave."

The smile was restored to Sokka's face as he looked back into the hazel eyes of the fire-bender. Zuko rubbed his thumb over the stubble and squeezed Sokka's cheek. "Heh, hey! Stop that. I was actually thinking of growing it out!" Sokka wiggled his face free.

Zuko grinned, "Well, then. I guess I'll just have to get used to it."

"Whatcha mean by th-"

Sokka's question was cut off. Zuko pressed his lips against Sokka's. The fire-bender's tongue brushed over the water tribe warrior's bottom lip for permission. Sokka closed his eyes and parted his lips to welcome a deeper kiss. A pale hand returned to a stubbled cheek. Sokka returned the gesture, weaving his fingers through Zuko's dark hair. Zuko breathed in the sandalwood scent of the tan man and pulled on Sokka's clothes to feel more of him. Sokka exhaled onto his lips and grabbed Zuko's waist with his free hand. Zuko smiled on his lips and then pulled from the kiss and Sokka whispered, "Thank you for coming back to me."

A/N: teehee... :3 next time: Epilogue...

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