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A/N: Thanks for waiting. Heads up, it's a little long. 

Sokka rolled over and hugged Zuko before he could step out of bed. He squeezed the fire-bender's face in his hand. "Sokka! Let go!" Sokka kissed his cheek and chuckled, "But you have such a squishable face!"

It was the morning of the last meeting for the Harmony Restoration Movement. Zuko pawed at Sokka's chest in an effort to release his own face from the Water-Tribe warrior's hands. "Sokka! Let go," he pleaded. "Nope, sorry. Can't do that! You have to pay the toll to get out of bed." Sokka decided there were rules for leaving the bed in the mornings about a week ago. Zuko rolled his eyes when these rules were declared, thinking he would never forget. Sadly, he did this time and was paying the price.

"Sokka, hey! Look," Zuko stopped fidgeting under Sokka's weight, "Look, I'm sorry I forgot." He flashed his amber eyes up at him with sincerity. Sokka melted, "well that's just cheating." Zuko smirked, "C'mere." He wrapped his arms around Sokka's neck and pulled their lips together. His soft lips brushed over a stubbled face, as Zuko left a trail of kisses along Sokka's jawline. Sokka smiled with every kiss, and smirked when getting his way. "Okay, okay! We have to get ready now."

"Oh~ Now you wanna leave?" Zuko pulled him back under the blankets. They fussed and laughed back and forth, then there was a knock at the door, "Your Majesty? ...Mr...Er, Sokka? Your presence will be requested. The Earth King and his advisor are arriving soon."

"Thank you!" Zuko shouted over Sokka's shoulder. "Well, 'Mr. Sokka,' duty calls." Sokka grinned at the new name and kissed Zuko quickly before escaping his hold. Zuko huffed and watched Sokka walk away and prepare for the day.


Sokka scanned over one of the many scrolls he was carrying while he and the Fire Lord walked to their meeting. Zuko made sure to tug on his robes to keep him walking in the right direction. Sokka was mumbling to himself when they reached the oversized door. Zuko exhaled and smiled at the overthinker, "You ready?"

The large door opened and the two joined the Earth King and Joo Dee at the grand table. "Good morning, Fire Lord Zuko. Sokka of the Southern Water-Tribe." Joo Dee's ominous smile greeted them. "Hello and welcome," Zuko sat and fire-bended the few candles sitting on the table for additional light. "As discussed at our last meeting, the former colony Yu Dao is to become autonomous. Your proposal?" The Earth King requested.

"Er...yeah. Ahem. Yes." Sokka cleared his throat and fumbled with the scrolls he brought. He finally found the one he was looking for and placed it over the table for all to review. "This is a map of the Earth Kingdom and the few remaining colonies, like Yu Dao, that ask for the same support." Sokka went on to explain their similarities in citizenship and lineage. He went on for a few minutes about the possibilities of the cities governing themselves, holding elections for independent leaders, establishing their own systems to ultimately become self-sustaining.

"Of course, with the help of Fire Lord Zuko and, hopefully you too, Your majesty. To get them started, I believe this could work. These former colonies could be something greater, landmarks of harmony between all nations. The United Republic of Nations, to be exact." Sokka's enthusiasm rang through the huge room. Zuko thumbed through the scrolls, attempting to hide the proud smile pulling across his face. Joo Dee was fervently writing on her own clipboard and waited for the Earth King's reaction.

The Earth King sat pensively for a while. Zuko broke the silence, "The Fire Nation is prepared to support this effort and will pledge upto three years of supplemental resources." Joo Dee's creepy smile twitched and she continued writing. "Your Majesty?" Zuko inquired. The Earth King paused for what felt like an eternity, "The Earth Kingdom... will not claim responsibility to these citizens." Sokka frowned and started, "Your Majesty, if you see here-"

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