Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry last week's post never went through xD Enjoy the art for the fic, with music, on or on insta: tswillustrated 


"We need to speak with General How. Don't worry, I'm a very important man from the Fire Nation. I was sent by the Fire Lord himself." Sokka stroked at a fake long, dark beard.

"S-Sorry, who are you?" asked a soldier outside the Earth Kingdom Military base.

"Fire. Wang~ Fire." Sokka retorted expectantly.

Suki hid her urge to facepalm and chimed in quickly, "Suki, leader of the Kioshi Warriors. We are here to help in the Harmony Restoration movement."

The soldier led them to a large tent in the center of the base. Suki smacked Sokka's arm before they entered and she ripped off his beard. He frowned at her before pushing the canvas entryway aside for her to enter first. General How stood over a long table pouring over an enlarged map of Yu Dao. Sokka observed many miniature rock sculptures placed at different entry points around the city. Suki started, "General How? I'm Suki, leader of the Kioshi Warriors. And this is Sok-"

"I know who you both are. Have you come to interfere with the Harmony Enforcement process?" General How was not thrilled by their arrival. The last time he had seen Sokka, the avatar had unleashed enormous power and disarmed all of his troops.

"General, we're here to help." Sokka resigned to keep his promise to Zuko.

Sokka, Suki and the General deliberated for a few hours. They learned of all the economic impacts and food shortages that ravaged Yu Dao. They were growing more and more impoverished with each passing year and the Earth King felt it improper for his resources to be used for a Fire Nation Colony instead of rebuilding his own infrastructure. The three debated over several different plans for the relocation effort. And General How reiterated the problems with the citizens' compliance. "We need this to remain as peaceful as possible," Sokka advised.

A soldier entered the tent and presented an official looking scroll to the General. He scanned it quickly, " week's end? I guess we need to accelerate our plans." Sokka rolled up some additional parchment laying over the map and Suki picked up his sword leaning against the table.


Zuko returned to the Embassy, calling Joo Dee and the Earth Kingdom representatives to an emergency meeting. "I will not bend to the Earth King's ultimatum! These people have the right to stay." He continued on to explain his journey through the city and the diverse families that developed over the decades.

"These people have lineage from both the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation. And I will not tear families apart." Zuko announced.

Joo Dee stared at him with another insincere, over-the-top smile, "Er, I'm sorry to hear that Fire Lord Zuko. This is a.. less than ideal response towards the purposes of the Restoration Movement. As such, if this is your decision, the Earth Kingdom will employ the Harmony Enforcement Process. Today." Her voice was shrill, but had a command in the tone of her last word.

"You will not." Zuko added some bass in his voice for that declaration.

"General How and his troops are already surrounding the city. These are the next steps for restoring balance in the new world order. Fire Lord Zuko, your assistance is no longer required." Joo Dee finished staunchly as Earth Kingdom handlers appeared on either side of Zuko.

He shrugged off the hands of the representatives beside him, "I will protect these people. Personally." He did not need to fire-bend to assert the fire in his voice.

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