Buone feste!

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After a 45 minutes long call where I explained to my grandparents why I couldn't come to the usual Holiday dinner, and answered all the questions they had about my "new sweetheart", I was finally able to put my mind at ease.

Or at least, partially.

I don't think I perfectly realized what just happened around an hour ago: Giorno took one of my mangas, he was going to read all the crazy stuff that happened inside of it.
What if he doesn't like it? What if he thinks I'm a weirdo for enjoy this sort of thing?
...No, that won't- that can't happen. He is not like them, he wasn't going to judge me because my taste in books was...quite unique.

And that wasn't even the worst part: he's just invited me to his house! That...that didn't even make sense...he was living with his co-workers?
Yes, they were close friends and all but...none of them had a family to return to for Christmas.
Those people are seriously his family, that's why he wanted to know what I thought about them.
Well...it seemed like more than half of the "team" liked me, so I guess that at least that was a weight off my shoulders.

I took his present out of the wardrobe where I previously hid it, I didn't even know why I put it there in the first place, it's not like I could imagine that he was going to visit me at this exact time.
Well...Looks like my over thinking nature turned out to be useful for once.
Y/N 1 - Excessive thoughts 0

After dinner, I took my phone to check the usual stuff online: memes, fanarts, headcanons, animations...
How did I end up with someone like Giorno again?

On a more serious note, while I was scrolling through random videos, trying to find something that picked my interest, I got a message from him.

"Hey dear, you can come to my place at around 7 pm tomorrow. I live in via Caracciolo, it shouldn't be difficult to find the house, not many people live in that area. Goodnight ♡"

Mh, I've heard of that street before, even though I've never actually been there.

"Alright, goodnight tesoro ♡"

The next day, I woke up at 8:00 am. I tried to go back to sleep, but I was simply too used to wake up early because of school and the rest.
This sense of calmness almost felt out of the ordinary, always having to run to finish everything in time had become part of my daily routine by now.

I took the entire morning to practise playing and read, but right after lunch, a thought crossed my mind.
Would I have come off as rude if I didn't bring anything? I mean, I had a present for Giorno, but that was another thing.

Well, it's almost Christmas...maybe I should bring some food; food is always appreciated, right?
But I didn't want to just buy it, it felt too cheap and inconsiderate, there has to be something even someone like me can make.
Pudding, maybe? I remember him mentioning that he really liked it. Alright, chocolate-flavored pudding.

I took my phone looking for a recipe that seemed good and started taking all the ingredients. Luckily, mom loved cooking, so I didn't have to worry about not having something that I needed.

"Mh? What are you doing, dear?"
"Oh! I'm just...Uhm...cooking something..."
"Aw, is it for your boyfriend? I'm glad my little girl is such a sweetheart!"
"I mean...It's not just for him..."
"Well, you've had a really nice thought, how about I help you?"

Yeah, that's probably for the better, if I prepared it on my own I would have probably set the whole house on fire.

"If you don't mind"
"Of course not! Let's get to work"

Before I even knew, the pudding was already done, it's honestly hard to tell whether because it's a simple recipe or because my mother is a better cook than Alessandro Borghese.

Il fidanzato d'oro (Giorno x shy reader)Where stories live. Discover now