Non c'è bisogno di ringraziarmi

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After finishing one of the songs, I checked the time on my phone: 2:10pm.

"I should probably get going, my boss will get mad if I'm late"

I changed into my uniform and said goodbye to my parents.
Even though we were in the middle of September, it was still relatively hot outside, probably around 20C°.
I walked inside the restaurant, expecting to find most of the tables empty, people probably wouldn't have had a lot of free time now that Summer was over.
But, to my surprise, there were even more people than usual! Jeez, this place was more popular than I thought.

"Good afternoon, y/n"
"Good afternoon capo!"
He seemed like he was in a good mood today, probably because of the amount of clients.

"I bet you didn't expect to find these many people, uh? A lot of workers come here for lunch break, so you'll have to work even faster than usual, I'm counting on you"
"Alright, I'll...I'll do my best!"
"Well, you can start with the usual table, now go"

I let out a sigh of relief, a part of me was actually worried that Giorno and the rest would have still come to eat around midday and I would have only seen him on Saturday.
I know, it didn't make any sense: he obviously had to go to school, it was a fact; I just...had a weird feeling about it for some reason.
Strangely, there were only Giorno, Bucciarati and Narancia sitting there, there was no trace of the others.

"Good afternoon! The r-rest of your friends aren't here today?"
"No, they didn't want to wait for me! Those jerks!"
Narancia snorted.
"Hey y/n, it's nice to see you. Narancia and I just started school again and couldn't come to the restaurant earlier"
"And I'm keeping an eye on Narancia, to make sure he doesn't do anything reckless"
"Aw come on Bucciarati, I'm not a kid!"
"Just in case"
"How about...F-Fugo, right? Doesn't he have school too?"
"He already finished school years ago. At least his brain is better than his taste in clothing"
I chuckled
"Eheh, are you r-ready to order now?"
"Of course, thank you"

Nothing particularly interesting happened for the rest of the day...or so I thought.
It was 7pm, my shift was finally over. I felt exhausted and just wanted to go home and get some rest; knowing that this was going to become my daily routine (also counting the fact that teachers would have soon started to give us homework) made my head hurt even more.

I took off my uniform and left the place, when I heard a vibration coming from my phone: it was a text message from Giorno.

"So, how did your first day go?"
"I'd say well, even thought I'm pretty sure my classmates think that I want to become the English teacher's pet"
"Do you?"
"I mean, I want her to think I'm a good student, but not her 'pet' "
"Yeah, getting along with the teachers can really help you a lot. What did you do to give them that impression?"
"Well, you know how teachers always ask new students to introduce themselves, right?"
"I...told the class I wanted to become an English teacher"

I swear I could feel Giorno laughing in my head even if he wasn't even near me.

"I didn't know it was the teacher!"
"Come on, it not a big deal, how did she take it?"
"She looked...very happy about it actually"
"Well, it means you sounded genuine, that's a good beginning"
"I hope you're right..."
"I'm sure you'd make a good teacher, students would love you"
"You really think so?"
"Of course, I honestly can't think of a career that would suit you better. If I may ask, why English out of all the subjects?"

Uhhh...maybe telling him that I mostly just learned English through anime and games stuff online wasn't a very good idea.

"The language has a nice-sounding pronunciation and a rather simple grammar compared to other languages, learning it feels more like an hobby instead of a task"
"That's true, it's not a surprise people speak it all over the world"
"How about you?"
"Nothing particularly interesting, teachers mostly just read the school rules for the new students and asked us to talk about what we did"
"Yeah...we should probably enjoy it as long as we can, imagine when they'll give us homework"
"Speaking of which, isn't working at the restaurant kind of overwhelming now? You have school, piano...are you sure you can handle it?"
"It'll be pretty hard at first, but I'm sure I'll get used to it"

Il fidanzato d'oro (Giorno x shy reader)Where stories live. Discover now