È un piacere conoscervi

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Mista was telling me about his theory on how vegetarians tasted good since they didn't eat any meat. I tried my best to keep up with his reasoning, but it was actually harder than it seemed on the outside. Still, he was...convincing somehow.
Giorno was looking at the two of us with a condescending look, which meant that Mista probably already had this conversation with the others or he was simply glad that I was actually paying attention to his friend's words.

Narancia stopped waking all of a sudden.
"So Giorno, how did you meet y/n?"
"Yeah, we've never seen you before, how do you two know each other?"

I wasn't ready for that kind of question. It's not like I was ashamed of how I met Giorno, I actually though it was very sweet, but I was worried they would have seen it as "childish" or something similar.
I looked into his direction trying to figure out how to answer, when he opened his mouth without a single trace of hesitation on his face.

"Y/n and I used to hang out together as kids, but yesterday was the first time we've seen each other in years"
"Y-yeah...I had to move away because of my parents' job and I've just recently m-moved back here"
"Well, I can't deny you're pretty cute, I can see why you two would get along" Said Mista with a smirk on his face.

I felt my face turning red like a tomato; I wasn't used to compliments, and this was my first time being called "cute".

"Please ignore him y/n, he can be a little too direct sometimes, right Mista?"
"Oh come on, it's a good thing!"
"Anyway, it seems we're here"

Narancia was the first one to walk in, followed by Mista, Giorno and then me. My boss went to welcome the three, but his expression immediately turned angry when he saw that I was with them.

"Y/N, what are you doing bothering these sirs, go immediately to the kitchen!"
"Please f-forgi-"
"She wasn't bothering us, she is my friend and I personally asked her to accompany us to the restaurant"
"Your...friend? Y/n, you told me yesterday you didn't know these people!"
"She didn't recognise me, and I can't blame her, my appearance has changed much through the years"
"Excuse us"

Giorno and the other two went to their usual table, while I was already imagining the worst in my head. I really appreciated him talking back to my boss like that, I wasn't used to someone taking my defense either; but he probably wouldn't have been too happy about it.

"...Listen up"
"You seem...capable, and mr.Giorno seems to like you a lot, so I'll let it pass for this time, but don't get used to it. Did I make myself clear?"
"Yes...Of course"
"I'm guessing he wants you to serve at his table again, so get going and don't waste any more time"

I got my note book and walked to their table, this time without shaking like a leaf.

"Thank you for defending m-me"
"There's no need to thank me, you didn't do anything wrong, you had no reason to get yelled at"
"Jeez...that dude really needs to chill a little, not even Fugo has such mood swings!"
"You're right! Let's get down to business now: I want a carbonara and a sprite"
"I want a porcina and a cola!"
"Narancia, Bucciarati doesn't want you to eat pizza at lunch"
"But Bucciarati is not here now, right?"
He had a huge smile on his face.
"Suit yourself, I'll just get some salad and some acqua naturale, I don't feel very hungry today"
"Anything else?"
"Make sure Narancia's pizza is not divided in four slices!"
"Uh? B-but why?"
" 'Cause it's bad luck, duh!"
"Don't worry Giorno, I-I have to get used to eccentric request"

He sighed and handed me the three menus.
Just when I was about to bring them their food, the front door opened: Abbacchio, Bruno and the other boy I didn't know the name of stepped in.

"Buon pomeriggio signori!"
Bruno noticed the plates in my hands.
"Signorina, did the short boy that was with us yesterday order that pizza?"
"O-oh um..."
Judging from his reaction, it was safe to say that he was the Bucciarati Giorno was referring to earlier.
"I'll take it as a yes"
He walked past me while Abbacchio and the other boy didn't move an inch.

"E-excuse m-"
"Listen ragazzina, not that I care about what you want to do, but honestly I don't think that you should bring that food to them"
"I-I'm sorry signore, but I don't r-really have a choice, this i-is still my job"
"She's not wrong, Abbacchio"
"Whatever brat, I was just trying to help"

As I expected, Bucciarati was yelling at Narancia, but not in an aggressive way like a boss would do to his subordinate, more like a mom scolding her child.
"What is the one thing I told you not to do at lunch?"
"Order pizza"
"And what did you do?"
"Order pizza..."
"Well, Giorno warned you, Narancia"
"Shut up Mista! How was I supposed to expect this?!"
"That's it, no pizza for the rest of the week"
"But Buccia-"
The man gave Narancia the "killer look" and turned in my direction.
"I'm terribly sorry, this is the second time we've caused a scene in two days"
"It's fine, s-should I take the p-pizza back?"
"Don't worry, I'll eat it"

Abbacchio and the boy noticed that the atmosphere had calmed down and sat at the table with the others.
"How many times do we have to tell you it's not good for you to eat pizza AT LUNCH?!"
"Ugh I got it Fugo, it won't happen again"
"Bucciarati, did you already take care of that...business?"
"Yes Giorno, it honestly took way less than we expected"
"Too bad you guys weren't with us today, Giorno's friend here is pretty cool! She actually listened to my theory about vegetarians and didn't call it "stupid" "
"Is he taking about you, signorina?"
"Yes signor...B-Bucciarati, right?"
"Correct, it's nice to meet you"
He gave me a warm smile.
"It's very n-nice to meet you too"
"Ah! She's also funny, she even called me 'Mr.Ghirga' "
"Forgive me...I though it was appropriate"
"It would be, if he wasn't such an idiot. I'm Fugo by the way, even though you probably already knew it by now"
"Aren't you going to introduce yourself, Abbacchio?"
"There's no need to"
Bucciarati sighed
"May I t-take the...Rest of your orders?"
"Some salad, please"
"But Bucciarati, you already have that pizza!"
"I know, the salad is for you"
Narancia didn't answer back, even though he obviously wanted to.
"I'll have the Parmigiana"
"I want some calamari fritti"
"Anything to drink?"
"Mineral water is fine"

Just like yesterday, every one had already gotten up except for Giorno, who was still sitting on the table.

"I told you we would have met again soon"
"I didn't t-think it would have been that soon"
He smiled.
"Do you have anything to do on Saturday?"
His question made me blush a little.
"N-not really"
"There's a really nice cafe in the area, how about we go there? We'll basically see each other every day, my friends and I love this place, but hanging out some more won't hurt, right?"
I smiled back, feeling like my cheeks were burning.
"I...I'd love to"
"I'll be on my way, see you tomorrow, y/n"
"S-see you tomorrow"

Author's note:
Yes, everyone in the gang survived in this universe, Fugo never left and Trish became a popstar. Giorno is still the boss and since Diavolo died at some point this is technically canon.

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