Chapter 8: Evening Escape

Start from the beginning

-Is this the reason why you came here so late? – I questioned, making the younger blush even more.

-No, but I'm glad that I found you here. – Mark smiled shyly, surrounding my waist with his arms. -Do we still have to fake in front of the members? – He suddenly asked.

-Is that what made you stay awake? – I questioned, surprised.

-It's part of the reason, but I guess I stood up after talking with Haechan. – Mark disclosed, making me look at him, concerned.

-What did you guys talk about, huh? – I asked while caressing Mark's hair.

-Haechan said that I should stay calm and go slower with our relationship. We barely started with it, and I already want things to be different. – Mark revealed, looking more nervous than before.

-Hey, it's okay. – I said while caressing Mark's cheek. -I understand how you feel and why you are feeling sometimes unsure, but don't run too fast, okay? It'll get tiring to hide; however, I sincerely believe that both of us are strong enough to take it. – I spoke without hesitating my words, which made Mark immediately smile.

-I believe you are right. – Mark nodded before I took his hand.

-Come, let's go. – I said while guiding Mark out of the kitchen, but he resisted, making me laugh slightly. -We are going to the living area, don't worry. – I assured Mark as he let me take him towards the couch.

Both of us sat down next to one another; Mark didn't hesitate to relax his back against the comfy pillows. And I took advantage of that to rest on his chest, which made him chuckle before he began to caress my head.

-Are you excited about the upcoming activities? – I asked while holding Mark close to me.

-Hmm, I guess I am, but I believe I'll fail if someone asks me about you. – Mark admitted while smiling.

I chuckled. -I won't hide anything; our fans will probably like it. – I teased, making Mark scoff.

-You are going to get me in trouble. – Mark complained before kissing my head. He placed his head on mine, and then he sighed before speaking again. -Yuta, do you like the way Taeyong-hyung picked the roommates?

I held Mark's hand. -Yes, why are you asking? – I questioned, intrigued.

-Oh, I thought it would've been nicer if we were together in the same room. – Mark admitted while pressing my hand slightly.

-We can always ask Haechan or Jungwoo to change rooms. After all, both of them are aware of our relationship. – I suggested before kissing Mark's hand.

-Yeah, I thought that as well. – Mark sighed before I turned around to look at him. The younger tucked my hair behind my ear, a smile showing on his lips.

-What? – I asked while grinning back at Mark.

-You have a lot of hair. – Mark said while stroking it gently; I enjoyed the sensation while chuckling softly.

-Do you like it? – I asked.

Mark nodded before laughing slightly; he pulled me closer, giving me access to his chest. Immediately, I snuggled against my lover while holding him tighter.

-You love to cuddle so much. – Mark murmured before kissing my head. -I hope you try to do it with me more often; instead of running away with any other member. – He said, making me laugh.

-There's a difference between cuddles, you know? – I questioned while looking up at Mark, meeting his eyes. And thanks to the light of the night, I could accurately stare into the shine they have.

-You better be careful, Nakamoto Yuta. – Mark said while crossing his arms.

I chuckled before kissing his face playfully. -Mark Lee, have I ever lied to you? – I questioned.

-Hmm, yes. – Mark nodded, making both of us laugh.

-Forget about those lies! I mean, anything but the time I was hiding my feelings. – I spoke while chuckling.

-Oh, then no, you haven't lied to me. – Mark laughed before holding my hands. -Alright, I guess I'll believe you. – He said before kissing me, soft pecks on our lips that made us giggle and look like a crazy couple in love.

-Come, we need to sleep. – I said before kissing Mark's lips one last time.

-What? No, I want to be with you. – Mark complained cutely.

-I want to be with you, too. But we need to rest for tomorrow. – I reminded Mark, making him sigh, and then he nodded at my statement.

-Can we see each other tomorrow night as well? – Mark asked, looking excitedly at me.

-We can. Now, come, we need to rest. – I said while standing up from the couch, and then I gave my hand to Mark. He held it tightly as both of us walked upstairs again.

We got towards the rooms' hallway. And as soon as we were in front of our bedrooms, we looked at one another. Mark held my hand tighter, which made me smile slightly.

-Goodnight, Mark. – I said while looking at him.

-Dream well, Yuta. – Mark smiled before hugging me.

I got apart from Mark before kissing his forehead gently. After that, Mark got towards his bedroom door and got inside; I did the same thing before sighing happily.

Sometimes I wonder why people would be against love. This feeling isn't something to be ashamed of and should be cherished and respected. Right?

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