Chapter 18: Unclear Confession

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-Yuta's POV-

We reached the first floor of the label's building, both rushing out to the entrance. But I couldn't keep up since Taeyong ran faster than ever to get where he wants to, and I have no idea where that is. Suddenly, Taeyong stopped his way and placed his arm in front of my body, causing me to look at him, confused.

-What's going on? What does that message say? – I asked while looking at Taeyong.

-Ten sent me a text saying that Baekhyun will confess to Mark today. – Taeyong said, making my eyes widen.

-What? – I murmured in shock.

-Now, do you remember when I asked you where Mark was? Well, I asked about him because Baekhyun is at the building right now. And I thought that Mark could be with him. – Taeyong explained.

-Is that so? Why did you take me here? And why did you put your arm in front of me? – I asked, confused.

-In front of you. – Taeyong blankly said. I looked at the way he told me to, and there's where I saw Mark with Baekhyun.

-That guy! – I angrily said before walking forward, but Taeyong stopped me while holding my chest with his hands, attempting to push me back.

-Relax! I'll control it! But don't mention anything to Mark until we talk with Lucas and Ten. – Taeyong told me. I glanced at Baekhyun and Mark before nodding at my friend. -Okay. Stay here, and I'll bring Mark. – Taeyong assured me and then walked towards the other two.

-Mark! – Taeyong shouted, interrupting Baekhyun's confession. They began to speak between each other as I continued to breathe in and out, trying to control the sudden waves of emotions inside me.

Shortly, I crossed glances with Mark, surprising him with my presence. The look on my eyes softened once I stared longer at Mark, but suddenly, Taeyong took him and began to walk my way.

-Let's go. We still have work to do. – Taeyong said as he guided Mark out of there, but before I followed them, I exchanged glances with Baekhyun. I didn't hide my upset expression, and he also challenged me by smirking at me. -Yuta, let's go! – Taeyong insisted.

-Yes! – I responded before smiling back at Baekhyun, briefly bowing at him. He did the same, and then I returned with Taeyong.

-What was that about, huh? – Taeyong scolded me.

-Nothing, nothing. – I shook my head.

-Yuta, I—

-Mark, not right now. – Taeyong interrupted him as I continued to look away from him.

-Hey! I didn't know any of this. – Mark claimed, upset.

-Do you want Yuta to get more upset? – Taeyong worriedly questioned while looking at Mark.

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