Chapter 19: Disturbed Emotions

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*Moments later*

-Yuta's POV-

I talked with Taeyong about the current situation, attempting to grasp the next step I have to take to keep everything at ease between Mark and me. After all, I feel lost after witnessing Baekhyun's intentions with my boyfriend. Right now, I can only count on others to tell me what to do at some point since I don't have experience with love. When I spoke with Taeyong, he suggested I act normal while explaining the situation to Mark; however, he doesn't realize that I can't stay steady whenever there's a problem of this magnitude. Yet, Taeyong's suggestion made me understand that I need to open up to Mark about my thoughts on the current issue.

Currently, the members are spending the rest of the day together. Some of them are playing games, and others are in the backyard, enjoying the pleasant weather. It appears that everyone is getting entertainment, keeping their minds busy with anything at all. So, I took that as an advantage and went upstairs to search for Mark. I hurried to get towards his room, but my heart skipped a beat as soon as I approached the door.

Yuta, it's only a talk. You can't be afraid of this. Right?

I slightly shook my head, soon vanishing my previous thoughts. Then, I knocked on the door, waiting for Mark to open it. But as I stood still, I began to move my fingers nervously, realizing the intensity of my concerns.

-Yuta. – I heard a lively voice, causing me to look up and meet with Mark's eyes.

-Hey! Do you think we can talk? – I asked while smiling anxiously.

-Sure. – Mark nodded before I got inside his room, and shortly, he closed the door behind him. I glanced at Mark for some moments, attempting to decipher the best way to explain the situation with Baekhyun.

-I have to speak to you about Baekhyun. – I disclosed, which Mark assented for in response, briefly both of us sat down on the edge's bed. -Today, Baekhyun confessed how he feels about you, and I knew about his intentions before you did. – I revealed, watching Mark's reaction to my words. He looks in shock, but I can see in his eyes that he's also upset.

-Why didn't you tell me before? – Mark asked, feeling conflicted.

-I thought I could do something to avoid Baekhyun's confession, but the guy is very stubborn. – I said before moving closer to Mark's face, giving him some affection and warmth. -Mark, I didn't speak to you about anything because I hoped to dodge the current issue. We barely got together for someone else to come and ruin our plans. – I sincerely disclosed, wishing that Mark can catch my genuine intentions.

Mark deeply breathed before holding my hand, shortly grinning while looking at me. -It's alright. The only thing that bothers me has nothing to do with Baekhyun's confession. I feel upset because you carried this problem without my support; you didn't lean on me, but you had help from others. – Mark mentioned, making me look at him slightly embarrassed.

-Oh, is that so? Then I guess I'll ask for your help whenever the time requires it. – I spoke before kissing his cheek. -I'm sorry, I didn't want you to feel upset due to my actions. – I sincerely said while smiling at Mark.

He nodded. -Alright, now you know what to do when you need help. – Mark slightly grinned before caressing my hand. He looked down before sighing. -Yuta, isn't it scary that we already have someone trying to get between us? – Mark questioned, concerned.

-It worries me; I won't lie to you about that. But I believe we shouldn't give too much attention to others. – I replied before holding Mark's chin, briefly lifting it in my direction. -I know you won't run away from me; that's why I can keep my calm. – I admitted, causing Mark to smile immediately at my words.

-Ah! Yuta, you always tease me. – Mark complained while removing my hand from his face, making me chuckle at his cute reaction. But then, he took my hand and looked into my eyes, a subtle shine showing through them. -What's going to happen when someone is behind you? – Mark suddenly questioned.

I scoffed. -Mark, you are thinking too seriously about it. No one can take me away from you, okay? – I assured my boyfriend before caressing his cheek.

-Do you promise? – Mark questioned.

-Yes. – I nodded before placing my forehead against Mark's, closing my eyes while feeling his hands on my shoulder and neck. I caressed his arm with my thumb, trying to give Mark some comfort to settle his concerns. -Nothing will happen to us, I promise. – I whispered, causing Mark to nod in response.

*Later that day*

The day is coming to an end after the hectic moments some experienced. Earlier, I talked with Mark about Baekhyun, and even though I helped Mark feel better, I couldn't have the same feeling. It is different knowing that someone is behind Mark now that we are in a relationship. Perhaps I keep overthinking about the situation, but something inside me feels unsettled with Baekhyun's intentions. After all, I challenged him after interrupting his confession, and now he knows that Mark is under my watch.

For the rest of the day, these emotions didn't leave my mind at any moment. So, I tried to finish my EP, spend some moments with my friends, and work on the group's comeback. Yet, my head still is stuck in the same situation; it doesn't matter how hard I try.

Right now, I'm inside my bedroom, sitting down on the edge of my bed while spacing out. I'm attempting to endure all the pressure I feel regarding Baekhyun's situation: after all, I know that I'm only nervous about what the future holds for Mark and me.

-Thinking about Mark, hyung? – Jungwoo questioned before sitting next to me, taking my attention away from my thoughts.

I hummed in response. -I think you already know that Baekhyun has a feeling for Mark. – I mentioned, which Jungwoo nodded for in response.

-Taeyong-hyung talked with Haechan and me. We are the only ones that know about your relationship with Mark, so I suppose that's why he told us. – Jungwoo explained.

-I believe so too. – I answered before taking a deep breath.

-Are you scared that Mark might want to be with Baekhyun? – Jungwoo asked.

-No. Mark doesn't want to be with him, only with me. But what makes me feel afraid is the sudden obstacle in our relationship. We barely started dating for someone to come between us. – I admitted before looking at Jungwoo, soon noticing the concern in his gaze. -Do you think I'm overreacting? – I questioned.

Jungwoo shook his head. -Hyung, you feel stressed, not only because of Baekhyun. You are releasing your EP soon, the group's comeback puts pressure on you, and now this situation with Mark is messing your emotions. So, I believe you are tired. You need to rest. – Jungwoo sincerely spoke before holding my hand. -I will do my best to help you out, but don't forget that Mark is also there for you. – Jungwoo spoke, which I nodded for in response.

-Thanks. I suppose you are right. My only hope right now is that everything goes well despite Baekhyun's appearance. – I said before taking a deep breath but slightly smiling to keep Jungwoo's worries away.

It's the first time I ever date somebody, my first time being with a man. I don't know how others would react to us, but I can guarantee that whatever happens, I'm not giving up my relationship with Mark.

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