Chapter 1: Hidden Words

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-Mark's POV-

Today, the two weeks of silence turned into three. I believe that my hyung won't tell me what's going on by himself, and I deduced as soon as I noticed that Yuta wasn't attempting to talk with me. I hoped for him to come, though, and I decided to wait for him to speak. Now I feel like a fool for waiting and not acting, but now, I'm not sure if I should tell him something; after all, I don't want him to get more annoyed with me.

These last days, I hanged out with Jaehyun and Jungwoo. I was talking and playing fun games with almost all the members; it's our break, and during this free time, we always like to be together. However, I realized that Yuta wasn't with us as much as before. It made me feel concerned and almost responsible; after all, he stopped behaving like his usual self after I pushed him away in a game we were doing for our fans. We were supposed to act like a couple, but when I felt him too close, I freaked out and pushed him away. Though he seemed calm about it and laughed, I think that it truly hurt him.

*Current time – Afternoon*

The sun is setting in front of my eyes. I'm looking at it through the balcony of the living area the house has upstairs. I was thinking on my own, but suddenly, I felt how someone got towards me. I looked next to me and saw Taeyong.

-Hey. – He said.

-Hi. – I sighed.

-How are you feeling? – Taeyong asked.

-How should I be? Upset with me? Or with him? – I questioned.

-Yuta is just having a hard time, but you shouldn't blame you. – Taeyong assured.

-How do you know that? Did you talk with him? – I asked, looking at him immediately.

-Mark, relax. I did chat with him, but I couldn't tell him how you were feeling. – He stated.

-Oh, and what did you tell him then? – I asked curiously.

-Hmm, I informed him that some of the members were starting to feel his absence and that everyone began to get worried about him. – Taeyong disclosed. -Yuta assured me that he would apologize tomorrow for his odd behavior, but he mentioned that he missed home and wanted to connect with his roots again. – He continued.

-Oh, so he wants to go to Osaka, huh? – I questioned.

He nodded. -I guess he misses seeing his family and be near nature as he used to do. – Taeyong spoke.

-Yeah, sometimes I miss my hometown too. I don't know why he didn't tell me anything; after all, I can relate to his feelings right now. – I stated.

-Maybe he didn't want to worry you. But Mark, don't try to blame yourself again. He won't like that. – Taeyong told me.

-Well, I wanted to talk with him today. It's been three weeks since we spoke, so I need to see if I can do something to help him. – I admitted.

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