Chapter Eighteen Part II

Start from the beginning

Whenever I asked him why I couldn't remember his face, he ignored the question outrightly and either ended our meeting abruptly or initiated sex. Till now, no matter how hard I tried, I just could not remember his face.

I searched the halls and I walked through them, trying to make sure that no one saw me. Most people were out shifting right now. It was 9 pm and just that time of night for that. The mansion was usually almost empty until around midnight because it was mostly routine to shift in this pack.

Unfortunately, as much as there were a lot of things that I needed to forget, there were just a lot of things I just couldn't forget like how three very significant people who were out for my neck. They included the Assassins' Leader - Mak, an Alpha - Kai and a very powerful witch - Nessa. Two Alphas if you included Logan, I guess but he was the least intimidating one. If he wasn't partnered with Nessa, I would have killed him and taken over his pack by now. I mean Alpha Raven does have a nice ring to it.

Regardless, I needed to hurry up and get that fucking stone and get the hell out of here.

During the past four days, I hadn't left my room. I was still upset about the whole Willow situation and getting slapped so I refused to come down for breakfast or lunch and so either Tinley or Indigo brought my food upstairs to me. Also, did I ever mention that no one ate lunch in this pack? They ate only two meals a day because they felt like the body only needed two meals and an extra meal was just being gluttonous when so many others didn't have anything to eat at all. Kids were excluded from this rule though. So instead, people prepared lunch but took it to the market or special homes and handed it over to the wolves there who couldn't afford to cook or eat anything. I found it nice that charity was a big part of this pack's culture.

Tinley had told me that Enzo had asked her why I wasn't eating the meals with everyone and I had to hold myself back from rolling my eyes. Like as if he didn't know about the humiliating situation. So, in order to make him feel worse, I rejected my dinner for both last night and this night and boy did hunger rake through me. I consoled myself with the fact that I needed to go on a diet anyway as all the rich food and dairy in this pack had caused me to gain some and unneeded weight. Despite my tantrum of rejecting food and not leaving my room, Enzo had not made any effort to meet me. It stung if I was being honest. Indigo and Tinley also refused to tell me what really happened with Willow. The secrecy surrounding the matter made absolutely no sense to me. Honestly speaking, who was I even going to tell?

Well, I'll just have to reject all my meals until Enzo feels guilty enough to come and meet me to make amends. Bonus points if I actually lose a lot of weight and my eyes become sunken in the process.

As my legs went onto the floor that was forbidden for me to trespass onto, I held my breath.

It was the third floor of this huge mansion. The floor reserved only for special guests and the Alpha's family. From my observations, I knew that Enzo, Tinley and Erica's husband - Jude would all be out at this time. Erica would be with Enys now trying to get him to sleep or something. And as if on cue, I heard the child wail. Oh boy, I definitely did not miss sitting next to that terror at our meals.

I scanned all the rooms wondering which was most likely to be Enzo's. When I saw the grand door that sat lonely at the end of the hall, I knew it was bound to be his. I rushed to it, making sure my candle lamp didn't go out. I half expected it to be locked so I took out a hairpin, ready to tweak the knob.

It wasn't locked.

I placed my ear against the door to listen to make sure that no one was inside. It was as silent as a graveyard so I entered inside. I closed the door as silently as possible, making sure that the click of the doorknob was almost whispered to the wind.

The minute I saw the grand piano that sat in the middle of the bedroom, I confirmed my suspicions that indeed, this was Enzo's room. I looked around and there was also a huge king-sized bed that was unmade but other than that, the room seemed spotless beneath the illuminating presence of the moonlight. There was a large glass window where moonlight filtered in with no restrictions. I was drawn to the piano but soon realised that I had no time and needed to search. I didn't know how much time I had but I estimated ten to fifteen minutes just to be on the safe side.

There was a bookshelf, wardrobe, side tables, a study table and chair. It was similar to my room except the furniture was so much bigger. So much grander. I decided to start with the side tables. Maybe I could find a clue or some key or something although I suspected that an Alpha like Enzo wouldn't just leave the blue moonstone lying around. In fact, I didn't think that any Alpha would.

I ran there to open the drawer but before I could, something stopped me.

Oh no, oh no, oh no!

I stood up instantly but it was too late. The bathroom door which I had carelessly forgotten to check had opened fully. I couldn't hide nor escape now.

Enzo stood there with a towel draped lowly on his hips as he looked at me puzzled.

The candle went out as a huge gust of wind attacked the room suddenly and I gulped. Oh Raven, you really dug your grave with this one.


Oh no! oh no! Oh no no no nooooooooo!!!!!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope it's a beautiful one🖤❤️

Predictions for what will happen next and thoughts on Raven's past?

Predictions for what will happen next and thoughts on Raven's past?

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