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I heard a distant voice in the middle of the barn. I quickly clambered to my feet and put Summer into her stall, hiding in the tack room.

"Mom, please try to understand." I recognised the voice to be Kenzie's.

"What is there to understand Kenzie? You almost killed a girl. You need to work on your anger issues." A static-y voice replied.

"I'm just jealous! She's so perfect. And get this, she's an Olympic eventer and she hasn't told anyone. She's a stuck up snob!" Kenzie raised her voice slightly. "I mean, she doesn't compete with us, but..."

"Kenzie, I know this has been hard on you, but you really need to calm down."

"I'll try." A ding sounded, then I heard shuffling. I stepped out of the tackroom, but bumped into something and found myself on the ground with Kenzie.

"Watch it!" She snapped. Her cheeks were streaked with tears.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Kenzie's voice cracked.

"Kenzie," I said softly.

She looked at me, and for the first time, I saw a broken girl.

"I don't understand why I can't be as good as you," she sobbed.

"You're a good rider Kenzie. You really are," I said. "But I've been riding for ten years, and jumping for eight and a half. It requires a lot of hard work to be at where I am. If you put in the effort, you can do it."

Kenzie huffed.

"Why are you so mean?" I asked her suddenly.

Kenzie stiffened, then replied, "That still doesn't answer my question," She paused. "I have anger issues."

"No kidding."

"No, really."

"After my dad died, I always felt as if I needed to get revenge."

"How did he die?" I asked tentatively.

"Your dad and my dad were best friends. After your dad started to compete at the Olympic level, mine went down. Someone threatened him, so if he didn't tell them where your dad lives, they would kill him. One of them would have to die. He gave his life for your dad."

I sat next to Kenzie, utterly speechless.

"That guy had mental issues," Kenzie said flatly.

I laughed slightly.

"At first, I liked you. You're rich and my kind of person," she admitted. "But when you found out who you are, I was so mad."

"How did you find out?" I interrupted.

"I was saying something, Ross." Kenzie stared at me like I'd just sprouted another head. "I heard you talking to your parents before Christmas break. I looked at your screen just when you called Natalie 'Mum'. I put the pieces together then." After a moment of silence she said, "You could have told me."

We stared at each other for a second then burst out laughing.

"I need to go." I stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"Just for a long, long ride. Hopefully I'll be back by tomorrow."

Kenzie got up too. "I'm coming with you. I may hate you, but I have to do this."

That made no sense to me- why was she acting nice all of a sudden? But I chose to ignore it.

We ran back to the dorm to get supplies, tacked up Summer and Simone, and galloped away.

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