"O.K., here we go," he said, scooping them up off of the ground. Just like a roller coaster, he waved his renewed limbs up, down and then around in a figure eight.

Remembering the frogs, Ginger put her hands on her hips and sternly warned, "J-e-r-e-m-i-a-h."

"Don't worry, I'm holding on to them."

"Wee-ee," squealed the squirrels in unison. "This is fun."

Ginger nudged the flower next to her, then just shook her head, "Boys will be boys."

When the ride was over, Jeremiah gently lowered the squirrels to the ground, gave them some of his fruit, patted them on the butt and sent them on their way.

Later the same day, much to Jeremiahs' surprise, the squirrels returned; but this time they brought friends with them. "Can we have rides too?" they begged.

"Sure!" Jeremiah said. Giving them rides one at a time, he was having as much fun as they were. Shrills of excitement echoed throughout the valley and captured the attention of the rest of the animals. Intrigued with curiosity, the ants quickly climbed aboard as the beaver impatiently waited his turn. The deer watched and dreamed of a future when Jeremiah would be big enough for them to enjoy too.

It was time for Ginger to go into the house. But when Melody came out to the courtyard to get her, Ginger was gone. "Where in the world?" the lovely young maiden started to say, then spotted her aloe plant on the other side of the fence. Melody went out through the gate and tip-toed through the wild-flowers, "How did you get over here?" Turning around, she saw the sadly broken tree with all of the animals gathered around it. "Oh, you poor thing," she said, rushing over to take a closer look.

Frightened by the human, the animals scattered and ran for safety. "Where is everyone going?" Jeremiah said to his new friends. "Come back, you don't have to leave."

Melody wrapped her arms around Jeremiah's trunk and said, "Don't worry Mr. Tree, I'll take care of you." Then she scooped Ginger up and took her home.

The next morning Melody came outside and placed Ginger in the bed of wildflowers exactly where Jeremiah had left her the day before. Melody unloaded her supplies and began the task of nursing Jeremiah back to health. Pulling out a spade and bone meal, she lovingly fed his roots nutrients to help Jeremiah grow strong and bountiful once again. She took large stakes and propped them up as crutches to support the weight of his remaining livelihood.

"She's really nice." Jeremiah said to Ginger. "Why did everyone run and hide?"

"Because not all humans are nice. Some of them would have just cut you down because they didn't think you were good enough, but Melody is special. Once the animals get to know her, they won't be frightened anymore. They'll be back."

After Melody finished her chores, she scurried back into the cottage to do what humans do. Jeremiah picked Ginger up and cradled her in his arms again. A couple of birds landed on his head and happily chirped the love song of spring. Weaving back and forth, he rhythmically swayed to their gift of new life. "Can you feel it?" he said to Ginger. "We are growing."

Measuring her arm to the length of yesterday, she discovered an accelerated rate of growth that bore more explanation. Then they both looked out upon the valley and realized that everyone was growing. A warm sensation caressed their thoughts as a powerful voice spoke to them. "That is the birds' special gift to the children of the earth."

Their imaginations roamed the valley in search of the voice. But when it continued, they knew that it was coming from everywhere at once. "The bird's singing carries a tone that generates growth. You have all been born with a gift that will enable you to help one another to thrive upon the earth."

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