3. Kiss

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⚠️I accidentally deleted half of the chapter during proof reading so it might not be the same as it was before⚠️

Hitoshi and Denki had been talking for about an hour. The two sat close together on Denki's bed; they were across from each other, sitting criss crossed, their knees touching. Denki wasn't crying anymore, Shinso had changed the subject to something happier a while ago so Denki would feel better. His face was still red and tear-stained, but he was finally smiling.

"Well you seem to be feeling better," Shinso said with a smile.

Denki nodded. "Mhm!"

"Then do you wanna go back out?" Shinso asked.

"No, they'll ask why I look so messed up. Plus, I've had my fair share of being called stupid for today."

"That's fair;" Shinso started to stand up. "Well, I'm gonna go make sure Neito isn't bothering your friends, okay?"

Denki without thinking grabbed his wrist as he stood up. He slid his hand down into Shinso's.

"Can you stay?" He asked quietly.

Shinso's face went pink. "Uhm.. S-Sure," he sat back down across from him.

Denki wouldn't let go of Shinso's hand even after he agreed to stay. Shinso interlocked his fingers between Denki's, and rubbed his thumb back and forth across his hand, making Denki blush.

Denki slowly inched closer to him, and put his head on his shoulder. There was a comfortable silence between the two.

After a few minutes of hand holding, Denki slowly lifted his head from Shinso's shoulder. They locked eyes for what felt like an eternity.

Fuck, I could just kiss him. But I won't-! That's my best friend, I can't. But his lips look soft.. but think about his feelings! He isn't gay.. he'll hate you! Oh fuck it. Just one kiss, just one kiss couldn't hurt, right?

Denki leaned in to his face slowly. Shinso's violet eyes widened the closer he got. Denki paused just before his lips touched his.

Don't you dare, don't you dare.. this is your best friend, your favourite person in the whole world. Don't,- whatever, the consequences will be Future Me's problems.

Denki quickly pecked him on the lips, and pulled away. "Shit.. sorry! I don't know what came over me there!" He chuckled awkwardly and scooted a few feet back, whispering "I'm sorry" over and over.

Shinso, who was blushing, smiled and shook his head. "No worries. Uh.. I should be the one apologizing.. I guess maybe the way I held your hand might have given you the wrong idea, I didn't mean to lead you on. I apologize."

Denki paused for a moment and thought. "Would you say I'm a good kisser?" He inquired.

Shinso cleared his throat. "Well.. I uh- if I hypothetically had kissed another guy that I could compare you to, then I would uh.. yeah, you are," Shinso said, struggling for words.

Denki raised an eyebrow. "So in order for you to even say that you could compare me to someone else, you must've kissed a guy before! Have you kissed a guy before?"

"Well I kissed you didn't I?" Shinso said flatly.

"I mean- before me" Denki said.

"Of course not! I- I uh- I said it was hypothetical!" Shinso said nervously.

Denki didn't look like he believed him. Shinso quickly stood up.

"I think I'm gonna get some air." He said.

"Can I co-" Denki was cut off.

"No." Shinso said, and left the room.

Has he kissed another guy before? Does that mean he's maybe not straight? This might mean I have a chance.. but what if it really was just hypothetical? Sheesh.. this is so confusing..

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