17. Anxious

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The day went on, and Shinso, Denki, Eri, Aizawa, and Yamada mostly just hung around the house all day. The fathers didn't want to let Shinso outside yet, considering it had only been a day since the villains were looking for him. They wouldn't let Denki leave, since he's a murder target. Technically, they weren't even supposed to be on the roof like they were the night before.

"Man, I wish we could go outside, I'm kinda bored." Denki said, and stretched his arms.

"Pfft, imagine liking going outside," Shinso joked.

"You need vitamin D," Denki said.

"I already got some." Shinso smirked.

"I meant sunlight, I-" Denki said, slightly flustered.

"I knowww I'm just joking." Shinso laughed. "I'll ask my dads if we can go outside." Shinso said, and stood up. He made his way to his father's room.

Denki now sat on the sofa alone, the room was quiet. He didn't like silence. He looked around, and his mind started racing. It had just hit him what had happened to him yesterday.

I almost lost my life, oh my god... they really hurt me this time... god, if it wasn't for Hitoshi, Toga would've slowly.. torn me apart. He almost left me yesterday.. I almost lost the only person that matters.. Denki was shaking. These thoughts just hit him all at once. His breathing was fast and unsteady.

"Hey, he said we can once he- Denki? Oh my god?! Are you okay?" Shinso rushed to his side.

Denki turned to him, and grabbed his hand with both of his hands, and squeezed it tightly. "A-are you here?" Denki whispered shakily.

"Hey, hey calm down.. I'm right here. I promise, I'm right here." Shinso said soothingly, and put a hand on his cheek.

Denki started crying, but almost silently. Shinso pulled him into a tight embrace, and Denki rested his face in the crook of his neck, his breathing was still extremely unsteady. He felt his chest tighten, and he felt sore. His breath hitched, and his shaking increased.

"Honey, honey. Please breathe. I'm right here. I'm really here, and I'm not going anywhere. I swear it'll be okay." Shinso said calmly and rubbed circles on his back.

Denki slowly started breathing again, and it became increasingly more steady. He gradually stopped crying.

"See? All better. I'm right here." Shinso slowly let go of him.

Denki looked up at him, and gave him a weak smile, which slowly dissipated. Shinso tucked Denki's hair behind his ear.

"What exactly happened?" Shinso asked.

Denki didn't want to tell Shinso that it was partially his fault for making him think he would leave him, so he just shook his head.

"It was nothing super bad," Denki said, and then he smiled brightly. "My chest just hurts," Denki tried to say happily. His voice cracked slightly, and came out with a faint hint of sadness.

"I'm not buyin' it. You were scared. Why?" Shinso asked, an unconvinced expression plastered across his face. Denki fell silent, and looked down. Shinso let out a sigh.

"Look. I'm your boyfriend, and I'm here for you, whatever it is, I'm willing to listen." Shinso said, and put a hand on Denki's shoulder. "I'm not gonna make you, but it's good to talk things out."

Denki grabbed the centre of his own chest, grasping his shirt. "I was so scared yesterday," he looked at Shinso's shirt; he couldn't look at his face when he was like this. "I thought you were gonna leave me behind because you thought I'd be safer.." He felt a sharp pain in his chest again

"Denki, I honestly need you too much to lea-" Shinso was cut off.

"Please let me finish.. It honestly just hit me what all happened yesterday. I was so close to meeting God, and then you saved me in a way that maybe other heroes would frown upon, but I had no reason to get so mad, it's not like Dabi is dead- I think.. And then you almost left, that was the scariest thing of all, I love you so, so much, and I couldn't lose you. Please, never do that again." Denki explained, on the verge of tears. He sniffled.

"You were asleep when I promised you that I'd never leave your side." Shinso said and took his hand. "I said a bunch of stuff along with it, it was honestly a bunch of corny shit.." He mumbled, chuckling a bit.

"What else did you say?" Denki asked, and looked up at him curiously, and looked into his violet eyes.

"That's for me to know, and for you to wonder." Shinso teased, and booped his nose. "Just trust that I said it, and feel relieved."

Summer Break - Kamishin\ShinkamiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora