Chapter 1

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Hollie's POV:

"Now calling all those for flight from London Heathrow to Sydney for boarding". Those were the words I was dreading. Don't get me wrong I was so excited when I heard I got excepted into the Sydney School of Veterinary Science, it had been my dream for 3 years and now I was finally able to live it out. But I hate flying with a passion. The sickness and the cramped seats make 4 hours journeys feel too long so, understandably, I was not looking forward to the next 25 hours.

I turned to my family who were sat next to me, tears glistening in my parents eyes. When I had first told them I wanted to study in Australia they had simply laughed, obviously not believing I was serious. They were very supportive of everything I did but this was definitely the most extreme decision I had ever made and they had made it crystal clear that they didn't really want me on the other side of the world, alone, at the young age of 18. But I think they understood I needed to get way from everything back home. As I hugged each of my family I fought desperately to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill down my cheeks. I promised to call as soon as I landed in Australia. Wiping my eyes, I turned away from my family and walked towards the gate, excited to be starting this new chapter in my life.

I presented the man at the desk with my ticket and he flashed a sympathetic smile. 'Is it that obvious?' I thought to myself.

"Your hands are shaking" he said as he glanced at the ticket then at the screen in front of him.

Oops, must have been thinking out loud! I have a tendency to do that when I'm stressed or nervous. Most people think it's weird but I've always thought better out than in.

I thank the man at the desk, who I find out is called Kevin, and walk cautiously onto the plane before finding my seat. I had a window seat, which made me both relaxed and more nervous at the same time. Relaxed because I could distract myself from the cramped cabin by looking out the window but stressed because I would have no way of leaving my seat without disturbing the passengers next to me. I just hoped they were nice people as they would probably have to put up with my air sickness.

7 hours into the flight, the Pilot's voice could be heard over the speakers. My hands started to shake slightly as I pulled my headphones out of my ears and listened to the announcement. "Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking. I would just like to inform you that for the next half an hour or so we will be encountering some turbulence. Please put your seatbelts on".

Turbulence? There can't be turbulence. It increases the chance of my getting air sick by at least 10 times. Oh boy, this was going to be one long flight.

Over 20 hours later, I feel the plane jolt slightly as the wheels make contact with the hot tarmac of the runway. I sigh in relief. It was over, I don't have to do that again for a while.

I shudder at the thought of having to endure another 25 hour flight. 'I hope it was worth it' I think, before unclipping my seatbelt as soon as the pilot says we can do so. I needed to get off this plane and breathe in some fresh air.

I climb across the passengers next to me, apologising multiple times before reaching the aisle and popping the overhead locker open and grabbing my small bag that contained the essentials for a long haul flight: charger, books, headphones, mobile phone and toiletries. After joining the string of passengers walking slowly through the plane, I reached the door and stopped for a moment, breathing in the fresh Australian air. 'This is it. This is my new life!'

A million questions race through my mind as I walk towards the baggage claim area to pick up my other two bags. 'What if I don't get on well with my roommate? What if I fail my class, will I be sent back to England? How am I going to find a job and juggle school work?'

Obviously I knew the answers to all of these, I had thought about it before I even applied to Sydney University. If I don't get on well with my roommate, I just spend as little time as possible in my room. If I start failing, just talk to the professor, they'll help, right? It was the last question that made me more anxious than anything else, but I had a plan. It's not fool-proof but it will do.

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