
I head to class and I'm a bit late but the teacher isn't here yet anyway. Lizzy is though, and I'm glad to see that she isn't ignoring me and feeling awkward about what we did.

"Hey" she smiles. It reminds me of last night, kissing her and holding her.

"Hey" I smile back, sitting next to her. "how are you?"

"I'm good, just... I don't know.. Writer's blocky" She flips through a few pages of her book to express her irritation.

"I understand that.. I think the best thing to do is take a new perspective"

"In what sense?" She asks, her eyebrows a little lowered. It's adorable and I want to kiss her.

"Well you know.. in the sense that.. you look at something in another light. There isn't just not interpretation to be had.. every view you take, you get something different." I pause "or at least that's what I think."

"You're so smart it makes me mad" she rolls her eyes. It makes me laugh a little bit, and she smiles at that. "How come you're late anyway.."

"Iced coffee with the girls of course" I smirk, she makes a face

"You have such a different friendship group to me.."

"Well it's not an official thing, but we just decided to go and get iced coffee this morning. And I paid because I wanted to be nice"

"Very kind of you.. I take it you went with that girl that stares at my ass, right?"

"Yeah, Jess" I giggle, she smirks "and Stella too, she's far more straight than Jess so you have no problem with her staring at your ass"

"Why do you say ass like that?" She asks, I raise my shoulders

"Because 'ass'," I say it how she says it "is just so very American. And it doesn't go with my accent"

"What's wrong with American? You moved here didn't you?" She jokes. At least I think she's joking. Maybe I've hit a sort of patriotic nerve.

It's cute either way.

"Well, you know.. it's not my identity. The foods good here, but the worst thing about America in general is what your grey American squirrels did to my British red squirrels" I explain, she looks at me to say 'are you for real?'. I can hear her saying it, the look is that expressive.

"Do they teach this in British schools?" She makes me laugh

"Yes, as a matter of fact. Don't they teach it in American schools?" I play along

"No, so tell me, what happened between the squirrels?" She asks. It's strangely hot for a conversation about furry little animals.

"The grey squirrels killed all the red ones, and it's such a shame because they were cuter, look..." I get a picture of one on my phone for her, she frowns

"That's so sad.."

"I know.. But America isn't that bad. The weather is far nicer here than the UK. And people aren't as rude."

"You know, on the topic of your friends.. I've them studied closely now and I've come to the conclusion that they try to act like you."

"Really?" I ask, kind of swooning over her paying attention to me enough to notice what my friends do, and how they adapt my mannerisms.

"Yeah it's clear they hang off of you."

"Hang off me?" I ask, confused this time.

"Yeah like they don't have a lot without your personality in them."

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