Chapter 38

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A soft smile made it's way onto Taehyung's face as he softly placed two cups of steaming hot tea on his coffee table. Him and Jungkook had driven back to Taehyung's apartment together to talk about everything that was bothering them and by the looks of it the ravenette was very nervous. The younger boy kept shifting in his seat and a very uncomfortable look was displayed on his face. However Jungkook couldn't keep up this behavior. It would only be a matter of time before the boy got into some serious trouble and Taehyung definitely didn't want that to happen. The street racer needed to get everything of his chest in order to feel better and thus Taehyung would listen to everything he had to say.

Softly Taehyung reached for the younger boy's hand and softly took it in his own in order to show him some support. Jungkook needed to know that the blonde was there for him. "When my mom passed away I used to close myself off to everything and everyone." The young student decided to speak first. If he opened up to the raven haired boy next to him maybe Jungkook would be encouraged to do the same.

"However looking back I know now that I shouldn't have done that." The blonde boy spoke before smiling at the ravenette. Sure his mom's death was still a touchy subject for Taehyung but if he wanted Jungkook to open up he had to do so himself too. If he told the ravenette what he had found out through his own experience Taehyung was sure the boy himself would open up as well.

"I sought professional help three months after I buried my mother and it honestly was the best thing I could have ever done. Talking about your problems feels like a weight being lift of your shoulders." The blonde boy spoke in a friendly tone, genuineness lacing his voice. It was true what he was saying. After his mother had passed away the boy had become an emotional wreck. His whole life was filled with darkness and sadness. However after Jimin had told him multiple times that he needed help the blonde boy had finally went to see a therapist and after that his life had been bright and happy again. Jungkook definitely wasn't the person to seek help from a therapist and thus Taehyung would make sure he would be there for the ravenette whenever he did want to talk.

The uneasy look on Jungkook's face was still present and a hint of doubtfulness was visible in his eyes. It was really hard for the younger boy to start talking about everything that bothered him. He didn't like sounding pathetic and weak and even though he knew that the blonde in front of him would never judge him it was still hard for him.

"I told you my parents are divorced right?" Jungkook then softly spoke, his voice shaky and insecure. Immediately flashes of how Jungkook had rejected Taehyung flashed through the blonde boy's mind and he nodded. Between all the hurtfull things the boy had said that morning he had indeed mentioned how his parents had divorced not too long ago. Was that the reason for his behavior?

"It was a pretty bad divorce to be honest." The ravenette then continued before a deep sigh left his mouth. "Before the both of them settled for divorce things were super bad at home. My mom and dad shouted at each other all the time and I can't remember a single day were things were nice and quiet." The street racer then spoke before slowly looking up and searching for Taehyung's eyes.

Immediately the blonde boy softly squeezed his friend's hand while a genuine smile made it's way onto the boy's face. Jungkook was finally opening up to him and thus Taehyung would make sure the boy knew he had his full attention and support. He would do anything to make the younger boy feel at ease.

"It even got to the point where their fights turned physical. My mom threw stuff at my dad and my dad would react by slapping her across the face." The ravenette then spoke softly, hurt clearly hearable in his voice. A sad look began to form onto the boy's face and slowly tears began to fill his eyes. He hated what the relationship between his parents had turned into and he was scared as hell that whenever he would fully open up to someone himself his relationship with that person would take that exact same wrong turn too.

"Their relationship wasn't always bad though. It went wrong two years ago." Jungkook then spoke before a small tear slipped out of his eye and rolled down his cheek. "I come from a family filled with CEO's, doctors and lawyers. Mom and dad are both always busy and it came to the point where the two of them would barely even see each other. Because of the lack of interaction between the two of them they slowly began to grow further and further apart from each other." Jungkook then spoke before more and more tears began to leak from his eyes. It was as if the waterworks had finally started working again. "My parents have always been busy but when I was little they did try to spend as much time with me as possible."

"Two years ago things between them began to worsen. My dad began to cheat with his secretary and I'm pretty sure my mom was fucking one of her co-workers." The ravenette then spoke, bitterness lacing his voice. He didn't understood how you could go from loving someone and having a child with them to cheating behind their backs. Was this what all relationships turn into at one point?

"When the two of them finally settled for divorce I decided to live on my own and my parents agreed on that. I couldn't hurt one of them by choosing the other parent to live with them." The street racer then softly continued while still holding Taehyung's hand in his own. The boy was right now the only support he could get and would accept. He owned Taehyung so much and in return he had only hurt him. Something he regretted so deeply now.

"It al happened pretty quickly and within two weeks I was all by myself. Never before have I felt so lonely." Jungkook then confessed before softly continuing. " Now all they do when they visit me is talk bad about the other and it hurts me so fucking much." The raven haired boy spoke before locking eyes with Taehyung once again. The boy looked absolutely broken and hurt was clearly displayed on his face. A compassionate look became visible on Taehyung's face. He understood the younger completely. Sure he hasn't been through the same shit the ravenette had gone through but that didn't mean that he didn't understood the other's pain.

"Is this also the reason why you didn't want to start a relationship with me? Because you were afraid we'd end up like your parents?" Taehyung then softly asked while a sad look became visible on the blonde boy's face. The blonde couldn't help but need an answer to this question. Never had he understood why the ravenette had acted the way he had done. Maybe now he would finally get the answers he so desperately craved for.

Softly Jungkook began to nod while looking down once again, a guilty look displayed on his face. "That is one part of it yes. However there is more to that story." The ravenette then spoke, a broken tone lacing his voice. Quickly Jungkook looked away from. Taehyung before staring of into nothing. A doubtfull look was visible in the boy's eyes and it looked like he was contemplating if he should tell Taehyung the rest of the story.

"I don't know if I'm ready to tell you that story yet though."



I'm soooooo excited for Christmas!! Can hardly wait!

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