Chapter 26

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A small yawn left Taehyung's mouth as he slowly began to wake up. The blonde boy stretched his arms and opened his eyes, only to be met with an empty spot next to him. A soft sigh left the young student's mouth and he looked a little dissapointed at the place where Jungkook was supposed to be. He had hoped to be able to cuddle with the ravenette but the boy was already gone.

Deciding it would be best to just wake up and get ready for the day Taehyung slowly removed the covers from his body before sitting up. His clothes were still laying on the exact same spot where Jungkook had dropped them yesterday and he quickly grabbed them while a soft red blush began to form on his cheeks. Butterflies appeared in the blonde boy's stomach at the thought of the eventful night the younger boy and he had had last night and he softly began to giggle. They had to do this again soon.

Quickly Taehyung began to dress himself before walking over to the bathroom and starting his morning ritual. A soft gasph left the young student's mouth as soon as he looked at himself in the mirror. Two big purple hickeys were decorating the left side of his neck and he slowly lifted his hand to graze over the spots with his fingers. There would be no way he would be able to hide these. The question however was, did he even want to hide them?

It didn't take long for Taehyung to be completely ready for the next day. Even though today was supposed to be a school day the blonde didn't care one bit. Sure he was very serious about school and his grades but if his other option was spending more time with Jungkook then there was no doubt in his mind he would skip school. The ravenette made the older boy feel so special, Taehyung would literally do anything for the younger.

Quickly the boy walked towards the hallway, immediately looking around in order to spot a certain raven haired boy. A dissapointed look however slowly began to form onto Taehyung's face as soon as he noticed that the street racer was nowhere to be found. Where the hell did that boy go to now?

However a spark of excitement lit up inside the blonde boy's body as soon as he noticed the younger standing on the balcony. The ravenette was staring at the city in the distance and a absent look was visible on his face. Every now and then a soft sigh left the boy's mouth and overall a stressed look was visible on his face.

Taehyung however didn't notice anything and immediately began to walk over towards where the street racer was standing while a big smile was decorating his face. Finally he would get his well deserved good morning cuddles. He had been craving for them so much.

Softly the blonde pushed open the glass door which lead him to the balcony before walking over towards the younger boy and wrapping his hands around the boy's torso, hugging him from behind. "Good morning Kookie." He spoke softly, a loving tone lacing his voice. Ofcourse it was way to early for the young student to tell if he loved the boy he was currently hugging. However he knew for sure that he liked the boy, a lot.

"Please don't." Jungkook spoke softly while a deep sigh left the boy's mouth. He slowly began to unwrap Taehyung's arms from his body and a confused look began to form onto the blonde's face. Was Jungkook not feeling well or something?

"Are you okay?" Taehyung decided to ask, questioning the other boy's strange behaviour. Immediately the younger boy shook his head before a deep sigh left his mouth. "I can't do this anymore." The ravenette suddenly said while a absent look began to take over his face once again.

As if the ground disappeared from beneath the blonde boy's feet he began to wobble on his feet. Slowly Taehyung's heart began to beat unsteadily and his vision began to become blurry. This was a joke right?

"W-what do you mean?" The young student softly asked, a scared tone lacing his voice. It was a stupid question to ask. The blonde boy knew damn well what the ravenette meant. Yet somehow Taehyung refuses to believe it. Had last night meant nothing to the other boy? Had fucking Taehyung been just easy for him? Was that why he had done it?

"I mean us being anything more than friends." The younger boy answered the blonde boy's question before looking away and doing everything to avoid eye contact with him. Tears slowly started to fill the older boy's eyes and he felt like his heart was exploding. Jungkook had no idea how much those few words had hurt Taehyung. The ravenette's words were like a sharp edged knive piercing through the blonde's heart without any mercy. Those words were slowly killing him.

"W-why?" The blonde managed to stammer out while tears began to escape form his eyes and slowly rolled down his cheeks. He didn't understand it at all. How could you go from fucking someone to not wanting a relationship with them? How could you be this heartless?

"My parents divorced when I was ten." The street racer then spoke, completely ignoring the fact that the other boy was slowly falling apart right next to him. "They've hurt each other, a lot." The younger boy continued while soft sobs began to leave Taehyung's mouth. Tears were streaming out of his eyes non stop and it felt like his whole world was crashing down. The one time he finally thought everything was going right for him karma had to come and get him. Why was it always him on the shitty end of fate?

"I don't believe in relationships or love." The ravenette then spoke before finally acknowledging the boy next to him. A sad look slowy became visible on the street racer's face yet he didn't try to comfort the blonde boy. It wasn't his place to do that anymore right?

"All relationships end with getting hurt and I don't want to get hurt Taehyung." A soft whisper left the younger boy's mouth while he looked at the city in the distance again. Slowly anger began to rise within Taehyung. Was this boy serious? He didn't want to get hurt? Was he joking.

"You don't want to get hurt." The blonde spat out sarcastically, a hurt look visible on his face. He immediately took a big step back in order to increase the distance between the younger boy and himself. He was completely heartbroken, again.

"But it's okay for me to get hurt." The young student then continued, hurt clearly lacing his voice. A few tears escaped his eyes once again and he looked at the other boy with a pained look. "Right?"

Quickly the ravenette turned around while a shocked look became visible on his face. "No Taehyung, that's not what I-..." the street racer tried to speak but stopped his sentence once the blonde in front of him raised one of his hands while looking at him with great disgust in his eyes.

"I don't care." The boy cut the other boy off, an angry tone now lacing his voice. Slowly the young student took a few steps closer to Jungkook until he was standing right in front of him. "Fuck you." The young student spoke before turning around and walking towards the elevator, trying to remain as calm as possible. It was no use to break down in front of Jungkook. He was hurt but he didn't want the younger to have the statisfaction of seeing him break down.

Quickly the boy entered the elevator and pressed the button to go down. Soon the big metal doors of the elevator closed and tears began to stream out of Taehyung's eyes again while he broke down completely.

Why did nothing ever go the way he wanted?



before you all kill me, what's a good book without some drama right😂 I usually won't end a book before I got at least 40 chapters so yeah...shit needed to happen😂😂

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