Chapter 10

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Soon Taehyung and Jungkook had reached the canteen, and a smile immediately formed on the blonde boy's face once he saw his relatively new friends sitting at their usual table. Jungkook slowly retrieved his arm from the young student's shoulders and the blonde boy immediately went to sit next to Jin, who in return smiled and started talking about some TikTok he had seen.

Jungkook took place in front of Taehyung, and a small smile made it's way onto the blonde's face once he noticed Jungkook glancing at him from time to time. Even though the relationship between the two boys was fake the young student couldn't help but like the attention the ravenette gave him by looking at him. The street racer was handsome as hell and to be able to catch his attention gave Taehyung a boost of confidence.

A soft smile formed onto the blonde's face once he looked around the table. Ever since Taehyung had become friends with the boys he was currently sitting at a table with he had grown extremely close to Jin and Taemin. Jin and Taemin both weren't really into the racing thing like the other boys at the table were but they did like to support them. Taehyung had been extremely happy once he had found out that Jin an Taemin didn't race because that meant that the blonde haired boy wouldn't be the only one not participating.

A small smile started to form on the young student's face, even if he wanted to race he couldn't. Taehyung hadn't gotten his driver's license yet and by the looks of it he wouldn't be getting it anytime soon. The blonde boy could easily described as extremely clumsy and he probably needed a lot of drivers lessons in order to actually feel safe behind a steering wheel.

"I'm so fucked" Yoongi said once he reached the table all his friends were sitting at. The boy sat down next to Jungkook with a thump and immediately put his head in his hands. A confused look formed onto Taehyung's face. In the short time the blonde boy had gotten to know the grey haired boy he had always seemed so confident. What could have possibly happened that that exact boy would describe his current situation as 'fucked'?

a soft laugh escaped Jungkook's throat and the ravenette quickly put a supporting arm around his grey haired friend's shoulders. "What happened?" The street racer asked his friend while a hint of curiosity laced his voice. Yoongi had been Jungkook's best friend since pre-school and the two of them knew each other like the back of their hands. Even though they had gotten into small fights before, both boys promised each other to always be there whenever they needed each other.

"Well you all know that cute pink haired boy in my maths class right?" Yoongi said while slowly lifting his head from his head, a stressed look immediately visible on his face. The boy looked like he was screwed to the point that there would be no tomorrow and a small giggle unwillingly left Taehyung's mouth. The boy Yoongi was talking about was clearly Jimin, since the boy was the only one in the whole school with light pink hair.

"So my teacher decided for him to become my tutor since I suck at maths" The grey haired boy continued before dropping his head in his hands again. A confused look made it's way onto Jin's face and the eldest of them all slowly shifted a little in his seat.

''And why are you exactly screwed if the boy you literally won't shut up about is your tutor?"Jin asked, the confused look still present on his face. Slowly the grey haired boy before him raised his head again and shyly looked down.

"How the hell am I going to concentrate on anything he says when I literally can't stop looking at him!" the grey haired street racer exclaimed, desperation clearly lacing his voice. Taehyung softly started to laugh again. Even though the blonde clearly knew Yoongi liked Jimin a lot the pink haired boy had no idea himself. Jimin could easily be described as the most clueless boy you could ever meet. The boy was always busy with either his school work or his phone and didn't pay much attention to anything else. You could literally tell this boy you like him and he would look at you with a questioning look on his face.

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